St Clement Danes Parish:
Enfield Books - Parish Children put out to Nurse

24th April 1780 - 11th February 1792

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDBE356030028

Image 28 of 6914th January 1791

Childs Name


Mothers Name

Fathers Name


Remd James Michl< no role > . [mark]
Yrs.. Mos. Days 4: 9:-
don't know his Pedigree but Wm James< no role > was admitted from Lon Hayton 21st. April 85. 13 Octr. 1790 taken from Enfields to the Ho. afterwd. Appresticed to his Father in Law Williams of Hilltown Middx

Jones Ann< no role >
Born on the Ho.5th July 1784 4th June 1784 3: 7 May 1787
in Carawan Wals, Mary Jones< no role > her Settlemt. The Mother settled by servs 15 Month with Mr. Andree at £8
a Journey Man Butcher & then Servl to the Servt Dutchess of Ancester John Chamberlaine< no role > [..]
The Child sent to Nurse 5th July, 1784 was with Nurse Willis at Enfield february 1792 Sent know what Done in February 1784 Lecunn Sworn

Jones Mary Ann< no role >
Born 10th April 1786 at Mr Robinson's Hemlock Court Admitted 3d May 1787 Aged 1.. -.. -23d days
Mary Jones< no role >
Wm. Gray< no role > Sent to Judge Goned.
this is settled by Man Paying 12 Guas in full & Exps. Release Exted & Recd. given Child sent 11th May 1787 to Nurse (my ford & with her in febry 1792Illgitimate)

Dead Jones Thos< no role > . [mark]
Born at the Licenced Lying in House No 2 George Yard Hales Lane Fleet Street on 15th Janry 1791 . Admitted in the Ho.17 [..] Febry 1791.
Wilson Brass Founder Stant Street for deposds of a Year at £5 Wages Jane Jones< no role > , Served with Mr.
Thos Richardson< no role > an Appee as Cook Re Mr Pearce Kings Head Middle Row Holborn
The Mother served upwds of a Year with Mr. Wilson Stanhope Street at £5 Wages Mr. Pearce had 10 Guas for the Fatherno Relect The Child Died 18th Octr. 1791 of Nurse Turner

Jordan Richard< no role >
7 abt. 23d Decr. 1790
Hannah Jordan< no role > Died in the Ho.14th Janry 91
Child sent to Enfield to Nurse Turners May 3. 179 [..] There Children were Removed with the Mother in March 1790 from Saffron Hill Libty by Order sent to Enfield febry. 1791to Nurse March 16th.febry,febry, 1791

Jordan Hanah< no role > [mark]
abt 5 Yrs. Same day
Vide above Doto Nurse Rumbolt

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