St Clement Danes Parish:
Regular Parish Payments to Paupers


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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDAP354020029

Image 29 of 144

Higgins Nurse a Mo.
Milford Lane

for [..] Higgins aged 9 her owne
Child at P Mo
8s d

Payd May 3d8s 0d
Payd May 318s 0d
to pay for ye future
butt 1s-6d P Week
Paid June 28th6s 0d
Paid July 26th6s 0d
Paid Augt 306s 0d
Paid Sept 276s 0d
Paid Octor 256s -
Paid Novmr 29th6s
Paid Decmr 246s
Payd Janr 246s
Paid Febry 216s
Paid March 206s
Paid Aprl 106s
£04..02s.. -

No..1314s -

Hollis Nurse hath etc
at Mr. Sicamney in Clemts Lane

Elizth. Clement< no role > aged 5. at
P and 10s. Clo & at P Mo
8s -

wth. Margt. Westbey< no role > at ye Coach T. Horsey
in old Pallace Yard West Minster

Payd May 38s 0d
Payd May 318s 0d
Paid June 288s 0d
quater Cloaths2s 6d
Paid July 26th8s -
Paid Augt 308s -
Paid Sept 278s
Paid Octo 258s -
Paid Novm 29th8s
Paid Decmr 248s
2s 6d
Payd Janr 248s
Paid Febry 218s
Paid March 208s
Paid April 108s
& Clothes2s 6d


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