<div1 type="OApage" id="OA174507094507090003"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="OA174507090003"></xptr>
<p n="8">THE ORDINARY of NEWGATE, His ACCOUNT of the Behaviour, Confession, &c.</p>
<p n="9">INTRODUCTION.</p>
<p n="10">IT is very merry to hear the various descants on the new turn given to this paper by the present Editor, who has as many different titles bestowed on him as there are various opinions amongst men. Some are charitable enough to dignify him with the character of a plain honest country Parson, who has some view, on the demise of the present Ordinary, to obtain his place, which they seem to think may not be amiss; because they kindly enough conclude he may, by improving the matter, add to their amusement; which will be to the emolument of many. Some think it is going to be turned into a state paper, purely for the opportunity of setting the Public right, when matter sufficient occurs, in relation to such political writers as shall happen to be fools enough to like hemp better than Burgundy. Others, who are too wise to have any regard either for religion or common honesty, who can laugh at increasing evils, and sport with the miseries of their fellow creatures, and who are very indifferent whether they be hanged or reformed; these fix it on the Methodists, who, it seems, are accounted the wicked reformers of the age. Others, especially the disappointed Printers, who either have had, or are desirous of having the management of this paper, in order to get a dinner by feasting the Public with matter of their own invention, rail much at the language, and aver in all companies, such was never wrote before; which perhaps is very true: they say likewise, that none, but a person very</p>

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