Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

18th November 1742

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: OA174211184211180003

the last Side of the Head, near the left Eye, of the Length of one Inch, and the Depth of half an Inch, of which Would she instantly died, August 2.

Thomas Homan< no role > , 22 Years of Age, of honest Parents in Hatton-Garden , who gave him good Education at School, to read, write, and cast Accompts for Business, and instructed him in the Principles of our Holy Christian Faith, to which if he had been obsequious, probably he might have shunned the bloody Crime he died for.

When of Age, he was put Apprentice to a Baker in Fetter-lane , next Door where liv'd the unfortunate old Gentlewoman whom he villainously murder'd, and serv'd most of his Time, but not with such honesty and Integrity as was thought, he having tricked and cheated his Master out of a great many small Things; however, this he kept to himself till under Sentence of Death, when having lost all Hopes of Life, he told to me and some others, adding, that it was grievious upon his Conscience to have wronged an honest Man, not in the least suspecting any such treacherous dealing, and he was very desirous of seeing his Master, to beg his Pardon, and warn him to be very careful of unfaithful Servants, who might do him great Prejudice without his knowledge. He privately married his Master's Maid Servant, though at that Time an Apprentice, and has one Child living. He inclined to Sobriety, and was not much guilty of drinking to excess; but being straitned in his Way of Life, as having a Wife and Child, this occasioned bad Thoughts to come into his Mind, not knowing how to supply his Family concealed from the World. An old Widow Gentlewoman 74 Years of Age, lived by herself in a House next Door to his Master's, he imagined she might have Money or valuable Goods, and therefore formed a Resolution to strip the House, and the old Woman of what Money and Effects he could find; he was in a great Doubt and Perplexity how to perpetrate this, thinking to do it in the Night Time, but his Courage oftentimes failed him, and sometimes he over sleeped the Time; but at length the Power of Temptation prevailed upon him, and accordingly on the 2d of. August he fully resolved without Delay to execute the fatal Deed in the Day Time, having the Impudence and Boldness to go to the House to observe which Way he might have Entrance, he found it easy to get from his Master's Yard into hers, and thence into her Cellar; then he look'd about to see how he should contrive to get into the Gentlewoman's Room. and finding the Way after he had first wrench'd the Lock of some Door, he went to the Place, and while this was a doing, the old Woman hearing a Noise suspected it was Thieves, upon which she drew a Chest and a Chair to the Back of the Door, but this proving of little Effect, he came up and pressed the Door open, she took a Poker, and asked him what he wanted, knowing the young Fellow very well?

He swore, and commanded her to deliver all her Money, she pretended to strike at him with the Poker, but this

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