Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

14th September 1741

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LL ref: OA174109144109140004

14th September 1741

While these, and other Instructions, were giving, Hall gave constant Attendance in Chapel, and was very attentive to Prayers, declared himself penitent for all the Sins of his Life, but especially for this most vile Sin of Murder.

James Hall< no role > , of St. Clement's Danes , was indicted, for that he, being a Servant to one John Penny< no role > , Gentleman , not having the Fear of God before his Eyes, &c. on the 18th Day of June , on the said John Penny< no role > , then and there being, his Master, in the Peace, &c. traiterously, feloniously, wilfully, and of his Malice afore-thought, did make an Assault, and with a certain Iron Bar, Value 2 d. which he the said Hall, in his Right Hand had and held, on the hinder-part of the Head of him the said John Penny< no role > , traiterously, feloniously, wilfully, and of his Malice afore-thought did strike, giving to him one mortal Blow, which broke his Skull; of which said mortal Blow, he then and there instantly dy'd.

He was a second Time indicted, for stealing a Silver Case for Instruments, covered with Shag-green, a Lancet with a Tortoiseshell Handle, a Pair of Steel Scissars, a Blade of a Knife, a Silver Ear-picker, a Pair of Tweezers, a Pair of Steel Spurs, a Silver Pencil, two Razors, seven Sticks of Sealing-wax, a Pair of Gloves, a Green Silk Purse, twelve Guineas, and twenty Half Guineas, the Goods and Money of John Penny< no role > , Gentleman , in the Dwelling-house, June the 18th .

He was a third Time indicted, for stealing a Silver Case for Instruments, covered with Shag-green, a Lancet with a Tortoiseshell Handle, a Pair of Steel Scissars, a Blade of a Knife, a Blade of a Pen-Knife, a Silver Ear picker, a Pair of Steel Tweezers, a Silver Pencil, two Razors, seven Sticks of Sealing-wax, a Pair of Gloves, a Green Silk Purse, twelve Guineas, and twenty Half Guineas, the Goods and Money of a Person unknown, June the 18th .

The Prisoner pleaded guilty to each Indictment, and received Sentence of Death accordingly.

Tuesday, September 8 , Report was made to their Excellencies the Lords Justices of the Kingdom, of the Seven Malefactors lying under Sentence of Death in the Cells of Newgate, who were graciously pleased to reprieve one of the Women, and to order the other Six for Execution; and for an Example (as we said before) James Hall< no role > was ordered to be executed by himself at the End Catherine-street in the Strand , on Monday the 14 Instant.

James Hall< no role > , was 37 Years of Age, and of very honest reputable Parents at Well in Hampshire , who took Care of his Education at Sch to have him taught Reading, Writing, and compts, sufficient to fit him for any Busi which he might (being often urged there to) Choice of: But James, being of a roving per, not liking Confinement, came to London, rather chose to live as a Servant , (which he with several Gentlemen, and behaved well honestly) than be ruled by his Parents, who tended to have set him up in a Farm. But still, he had not been very long in Town, but Mind changed, and he would turn Miller , or Man, and trade in the Barges, which bring down the River to Queenhithe ; accordingly went down in the Country, and took a Mill, there he did not continue long, being very settled in his Resolutions: He returned again Town, and lived in Services as before, and, out of Place, would frequently go down, and with his Father till a new one offered.

He married a Wife, who, he said, was not a man of the best Character; however, he with her some Years, and had several Children her, now dead; at length they had so many putes and Quarrels together, being for every ling, that neither of them enjoyed a Mom Peace, so that they mutually agreed to part, accordingly made a formal Seperation, and de themselves free from each other, before Witnesses; and after a few Years, he married nother Wife, who visited him sometimes under Sentence, and brought with her their Daughter of 2 Years and an half old.

Hall had been a Servant to John Penny< no role > , Principal of Clement's-Inn , upwards of Years, when he committed this horrid Fact. Master, being a single Gentleman, lived in Chambers in Clement's-Inn , and had nobody him but Hall, to whom he had been ever a Master.

He pretended not to be so vicious as many unfortunate Creatures are, though he cert had great Failings. Owing some small Debts, exceeding (as he said) five or six Pounds, and ving some other little Incumberances, he kne easily how to get from, the Devil put it into

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