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<p n="22">VI. ult. That whosoever is concern'd for his Soul, and will prevent his final Ruin, and the Dreadfulness of the Judgment to come, must take due and timely Care to repent of all his Sins, that so he may avoid Everlasting Punishment, and obtain Eternal Happiness, through the prevailing Merits and Intercession of the True Lover and Saviour of all Men.</p>
<p n="23">And on the last Lord's Day, the <rs type="date" id="OA17171002_date9">29th of September</rs>
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, in the Morning, I preach'd to them again, and had both then and in the Afternoon, a great Congregation: And my Text was Joh. 5. 22. - The Father judgeth no Man, but hath committed all Judgment unto the Son.</p>
<p n="24">From which Words, first explain'd in general, I shew'd these Four Things in particular, viz.</p>
<p n="25">I. That the Original Right of Judging the World belongs to GOD, and to none but GOD.</p>
<p n="26">II. That the Person who shall sit as Judge, and pass Sentence upon Men at the last Day, is the Son of Man, viz. the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who also is the Son of GOD, and by his Godhead is Co-equal and Coeternal with the Father.</p>
<p n="27">III. Why GOD the Father has committed this Power and Authority of Judging the World unto His Son.</p>
<p n="28">IV. & lastly, How, and in what Sense, we must understand those other Texts of Scripture, which tell us, That the Saints in general, and the Twelve Apostles in particular, shall Judge.</p>
<p n="29">Upon these I enlarg'd:</p>
<p n="30">And in the Afternoon I preach'd my last Sermon to them, on Eccl. 9. 10. Whatsoever thy Hand findeth to do, do it with all thy Might; for there is no Work, nor Device, nor Knowledg, nor Wisdom in the Grave, whither thou goest.</p>
<p n="31">These Words I first open'd, and then treated of these several Points arising from them, viz.</p>
<p n="32">I. The Shortness of this Mortal Life, and the various Troubles attending it.</p>
<p n="33">II. The great Work we have to do within this little time, and that (chiefly) is, To cast off our Sins; To amend our Lives, and bring forth Fruits meet for Repentance, in order to secure our Everlasting Happiness.</p>
<p n="34">III. ult. The Eternity of the Future State which is to follow immediately after this; and in which Men must be unspeakably miserable, who will take no care, while they live here, to work out their own Salvation with fear and trembling, as the Apostle teaches us to do, Phil. 2. 12.</p>
<p n="35">On all those Heads I largely and severally discours'd, and concluded every one of my Sermons on this melancholy Occasion with a particular and suitable Application to the Persons under Sentence of Death; whom I earnestly exhorted to Repentance, laying Precept upon Precept, and Line upon Line, as says the Prophet Isai. 28. 10. and giving them proper Directions How they might make their Peace with GOD before they went out of this World, and were to be seen in it no more.</p>
<p n="36">In my private Examinations of them, they gave me the respective Accounts of themselves, which follow.</p>

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