Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

17th December 1707

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LL ref: OA170712170712170001

6th August 1707

The ORDINARY of NEWGATE his Account of the Behaviour, Confessions, and Last Speeches of the Malefactors that were Executed at Tyburn, on Wednesday, Decemb. 17. 1707 .

AT the Sessions held at Justice-Hall in the Old-Baily, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, being the 10th , 11th , 12th , & 13th Instant , there were Nine Persons convicted of Capital Crimes, and receiv'd Sentence of Death accordingly. Of these Nine, two obtain'd a Gracious Reprieve, (which, I hope, they will take care to improve to God's Glory) the other Seven were order'd for Execution. But the last of these Seven was Repriev'd at the Gallows.

On the last Lord's Day, the 14th Instant , I preach'd to them, both in the Morning and Afternoon, upon this Text, 2 Cor. 5. 10, 11. For we must all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his Body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the Terrour of the Lord, we perswade Men. From which words, first paraphrastically explain'd in general, I consider'd and discours'd upon these following Particulars, viz.

I. That all Men shall be call'd to Judgment, and must certainly appear before Christ.

II. What sort of Judgment that shall be, which Christ will then pass upon them. It will be a Judgment either of Eternal Condemnation of Absolution. Here I endeavour'd to represent to 'em the horrible Torments of Hell, and the surpassing Joys of Heaven.

III. By what means Condemnation might be avoided, and Absolution obtain'd, namely, by Faith and Repentance.

IV. And lastly, How these Graces, Faith and Repentance, might be wrought in us, viz. by the Spirit of God, which we ought earnestly to pray for.

Having enlarged upon these Particulars, I exhorted my Auditory, chiefly the Condemned, that they would seriously Consider and Examine themselves, and earnestly pray to God for his Divine Assistance, that they might stedfastly believe in Christ, and truly repent of all their Sins, both known and unknown, and through the Merits of our Blessed Redeemer, who has shed his most precious blood for all Repenting Sinners, obtain Mercy and Pardon at God's hands, and the Eternal Salvation of their Immortal Souls.

To all this they seem'd to give great attention; and I observ'd them all along to behave themselves with decency and Devotion; indeed much better (in my Judgment) than any one else in the Congregation, though very numerous. They continued in a very tractable temper, and desired to receive Christian Instruction, which they all very much wanted, as having lived the most part, if not the whole, of their time in Sin and Ignorance which they now acknowledged with trouble and grief of heart.

I. John Hall< no role > , Condemned for Felony and Burglary, viz. For Breaking the House of Captain John Guyon< no role > , of the Parish of Stepney , and taking thence a blue Cloath Wastecoat, and other things of a considerable value, &c. He said he was about 32 years of Age, Born in Bishops-Head-Court near Grays-Inn-Lane , in the Parish of St. Andrews-Holbourn ; That he was in the Sea-Service about 15 years off and on; and had follow'd also the Business of Chimny-sweeping , when at Land. He own'd in general, that within these 3 Years last past he had committed a great many Robberies, some of them very considerable, in and about London ; but he would not come to Particulars, saying, he had forgot them in a great measure, and it would signifie nothing to any Person to know every ill thing he had done; for he could make no other amends to the Persons he had wrong'd, than to ask their Pardon. Upon my asking him, Whether any Servants or Neighbors of the Persons he had robb'd at any time, were ever concern'd with him, he answer'd, No, so far as he could remember. He readily acknowledg'd he had been a very ill Liver; that he had committed all manner of Sin but Murther. I found him very ignorant in Matters of Religion, tho' he said he formerly went to Church. He could neither Read nor Write, which, he told me, was a great Misfortune to him; for had he known those things, he might have spent his Time better. He further said, That he was much addicted to Idleness and Gaming, which two Vices brought him to the commission of others, particularly that of Robbing at such a rate as he did; and, That when of late he had some Thoughts of leaving off Thieving, he found his Inclinations were still that way. He exprest himself as if he was now willing to die, desiring nothing in this World, but that God, of his Infinite Mercy, would forgive whatever he had done amiss, and dispose him to die well, so as he might avoid the Eternal Condemnation he had deserv'd. I press'd him to confess the Fact for which he was condemn'd; but he denied it, tho' at the same time he acknowledg'd God's Justice in bringing him to this Untimely End. At the Request of a certain Person I asking him, Whether (as 'twas reported by some) he had made a Contract with the Prince of Darkness, for a set time to act his Villanies in; he answer'd, He never did, nor said any such thing. He and all the rest being ask'd, whether they knew any thing of Mr. Hampson's Murther, they all declar'd and protested, that they knew nothing of it.

II. Stephen Bunce< no role > , Condemn'd for the same Fact, deny'd his being guilty of it, but acknowledg'd himself to have led a very ill Life, and committed many Robberies of late years, for which he asked Pardon both of God and Man, and was sorry he could make no other satisfaction but by his Death, which he said he was willing to submit to, and therefore desir'd his Friends nor to Petition for his Life. He told me he was about 28 years of Age, born of very good and wealthy Parents in Kent ; his Grand-father (with whom he was brought up at Feversham ) being worth above 800 l. a Year, but that his Family was ruined by the late Civil Wars. I found he had very little Education, and had spent the most part of his Life in an idle way of Gaming, Drinking, and the like, which he freely confessed: Only he said he was sometimes in the Sea-Service , and designed for the Sea again when he was apprehended. He protested that he never was guilty of Murther.

III. Richard Low< no role > , Condemned for the same, and other like Facts; he said, he was about 24 years of Age, Born near the Horse-ferry in Westminster , that he was brought up to the Sea , and served there for the greatest part of his Life. He own'd he was justly Condemned, and that he had committed many Robberies within these 4 or 5 years, in and about London . He Confessed further, that he had been a very wicked Liver, and was guilty of Whoredom, Drunkenness, Swearing, and many other Crimes, but not of Murther. He seem'd very much dejected, and said he was sorry he had been so wicked, but if he were to live his Life over again, he hoped he should be wiser and better; and so said all the rest.

IV. Will. Davis< no role > , condemn'd for Breaking open the House of Christopher Gately< no role > , and taking from thence 3 Gold Rings, a Shagreen Box, &c. on the 25 of September last . He said he was almost 24 Years old, born in the Parish of St. Margaret Westminster ; that he was a Seaman by Profession, and had gone several Voyages; but by Gaming, Drunkenness, and an idle Life, and keeping of bad Company, had brought himself into the wicked Trade of Robbing, and to this his untimely and shameful End; which he acknowledged to be the just Reward of his Sins.

V. Joseph Montisano< no role > , alias Day< no role > , Condemned for Breaking the House of David Martin< no role > , in the Parish of St. Bartholomew near the Exchange , and taking from thence a Gold striking Watch, &c. He acknowledg'd, that his Condemnation was just, and that he had been of late Years a very Wicked Man, and done much Mischief in the World, by Cheating and Thieving; which, Gaming had first brought him to, and which prov'd his ruin at last; for when he was found out to be such a Person, none of those Merchants and others who imployed him and intrusted him with Goods and Money before, would afterwards have any thing more to do with him. He confess'd himself guilty in particular of a Robbery by him committed (together with one Thomas Dennis< no role > ) at the House of Mr. Calpin, in a Court in Aldersgate-street , on the 6th of August, 1707 . taking from thence one piece of Scarlet-Cloth, a Remnant of Shaloon, a Remnant of Blue Cloth, and two Remnants of Black Cloath; a piece of which black Cloath he dropt under the Window. He said he was a Sugar-baker by Trade, and for some time a Gardener , who rented two Gardens at Lambeth , and kept the Market: That about 12 Years ago he was a Servant to Capt. Rooke, then Commander of the Fubs Yatch, and lived with him about two Years: That he was now about 28 Years of Age, as far as he knew, and was born at Ansterdam , of Jewish Parents, but Educated by the care of an Aunt of his, a Protestant in the City of London ; to which place he was brought from Holland when an In

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