Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

9th March 1705

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30th December 1704

The ORDINARY of NEWGATE his Account of the Behaviour, Confessions, and Last Speeches of the Malefactors that were Executed at Tyburn on Friday the 9th of March, 1704 /1705.

AT the Sessions held at Justice-Hall in the Old Bailey , on Wednesday the 28th of February last , and on Thursday and Friday the 1st and 2d Instant, 8 Persons, i. e. seven Men and one Woman, having been Try'd, and found Guilty of Death, received their Sentence accordingly. Of these 8 Persons, 5 being by her Majesty's gracious Reprieve, respited from Execution, they who are now ordered for it, are only these 3, viz. William Pulman< no role > , Edward Fuller< no role > , and Elizabeth Herman< no role > .

On the Lord's Day, the 4th Instant, I preach'd to them, both in the Forenoon and Afternorn, upon part of the second Lesson, appointed for that Morning-Service, viz. Luke Ch. 15. v. 18 & 19. I will arise and go to my Father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinn'd against Heaven and before Thee; And am no more worthy to be call'd thy Son; Make me as One of thy hired Servants.

Having explain'd the Parable of the Prodigal Son, of which the Text is a part, I shew'd from thence how a Sinner must gradually proceed in his Repentance.

I. He must take a firm Resolution to return to a better Life.

II. He must confess his Guilt, not only to God, but where the Offence has given any publick Scandal, he must confess it to Man also.

III. He must rather aggravate than palliate his Crime.

IV. He must be severe towards himself, if he will have God to be merciful to him.

V. He must humble himself to the lowest degree, and look upon himself as unworthy of the least Favour, but worthy of the greatest Punishment, and incapable of returning to God without his Converting Grace, which he ought earnestly to implore.

VI. And Lastly, I shew'd how acceptable such a Repentance (attended with all these) was to God, and how beneficial therefore it would prove to them that should exert themselves therein.

These were the Principal Heads on which I then discours'd to my Auditory, both in the Morning and Afternoon; concluding with a twofold Exhortation; First, To the Strangers that were come to see the Condemned Persons, that they would put up hearty Prayers for them, and be thankful to God, who by his restraining Grace, had kept them from falling into their Sins, and under their Condemnation. And Secondly, To the Prisoners, and particularly those Condemned to die; That they would desire the Prayers of all good People, which they stood in so great need of; and stir up themselves to Prayer, and implore the Spirit of God to their assistance therein; That they would examine themselves, and take an exact Survey of all their past Sins, so far as they could remember, and seriously consider how they had lived before, and how they were now fit to die, and what would become of them after Death.

Yesterday being the Anniversary Day of the QUEEN's Accession to the Throne, I preach'd again both in the Morning and Afternoon, to the Prisoners in Newgate , and other Persons there present; and my Text was, Ps. 40. 3. Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me: Make haste, O Lord, to help me.

After I had open'd the Text, and by the by spoken something concerning the Solemnity of the Day; shewing how Men are in a double manner Guilty, who living in a Country where the Gospel shines in its full Brightness and Purity, and under a Government so just, so equal, and so easy as this is, are (nevertheless) wilfully ignorant of Christian Duties, and disobebient to God and their Superiours, and unjust, mischievous and oppressive to their Neighbours.

Then I proceeded to discourse on that Subject which I thought then most proper for my Auditory, which was to shew from the Text, How it concerns all Men (especially great Offenders) to be earnest in their Application to God for Deliverance, both From their Sins; And, From the Punishment due to them.

And in order thereto, consider,

1. How they came to be prompted to, and by degrees hardened in Sin.

2. How they might recover themselves by that sincere Repentance which is of absolute Necessity to their Pardon and Salvation; and which is the Work of God's Spirit, for which they should pray with fervent Zeal and Perseverance.

In the Close of those my Discourses, I made particular Application to the Condemned Prisoners; who from the time of their receiving their Sentence, to that of their Execution, were brought up twice every Day, to the Chappel in Newgate; where I pray'd with them, and instructed them in the Word of God, and in the way to Salvation. And upon my discoursing them in private, and pressing them to make a free and open Confession of their Offences, and the Injuries they had done to the World, and to make what Reparation and Amends they could: They discover'd to me their former Lives and Conversations, and their present Disposition, as follows:

I. William Pulman< no role > , alias Norwich Will, Condemned for Robbing Mr. Joseph Edwards< no role > on the High-way, upon the 30th of December last , and taking from him a pair of Leather-Bags, a Shirt, 2 Neck-Cloths, 2 Pocket-Books, 25 Guineas, a half Guinea, a half broad Piece, and 4 l. in Silver. When I put him upon his Confession, both of this and other Facts he might be guilty of, he at first pretended (as he did at his Tryal) that he knew nothing of that Robbery committed upon Mr. Edwards. But when I shew'd him, not only how little available, but how mischievous such a Denial was to him, in case he was really Guilty of the Fact; he at last confess'd it, owning that he had 5 Guineas and 40 Shillings in Silver for his Share in that Robbery. He confess'd also, That he (with some others he named) had several times, for these 4 Years past, taken Bags, Trunks, Boxes, and such like Things, from behind Horses, Coaches, and Waggons; but he protested to me, that he never broke any House, nor stole any Goods out of Shops. He further said, That he did not know any of the Proprietors or Owners of the stol'n Goods in which he was concerned, save Mr. Edwards; and though he should know them, or could send to them, yet he could make them no Satisfaction; all being spent, and he left poor. So true it is, That Goods unlawfully gotten do not profit. He therefore pray'd God, and those he had wrong'd, to forgive him. Being ask'd, When and Where he was born, and how he had spent his Life, he gave me this further Account of himself, That he was about 26 Years of Age, born in the City of Norwich , of honest Parents, who brought him up well, and put him to a good Trade, viz. That of Barber and Perriwig-maker ; to which he serv'd the full time of his Apprenticeship, and then set up for himself in that City. But getting into ill Company, he was presently debauch'd, and became a very lewd Person, breaking the Sabbath-day, and abandoning himself to Swearing, Drinking, Whoring, and all manner of Wickedness; saying, That he was guilty of all Sin but Murther. In this wicked Disposition, he came up to London about five years ago, where he had not been long but he was prest to Sea ; and having served not above two Months on Board the Jersey, a Third Rate, commanded by Captain Stapleton, he was discharged. And being so, he went to work at his Trade for a few Months with one Mr. Wright a Perriwig-maker in Old-Bedlam . But keeping Company with ill People, by their Example and Perswasion (and particularly by the Sollicitation of a certain wicked Woman) became a Robber. He told me, That he had served 16 Months on Board the Triumph, a Second Rate Ship, Captain Greydon Commander, and that he was in that Ship in the late Expedition to Vigo . But he sorrowfully acknowledged he had been so stupid, as all the while to take no manner of notice of the great Dangers he was in, and from which the Providence of God had preserved him. When he was returned into England and discharged, then he went sauntering about to see what he could get; and finding himself in danger of being prest again, he enter'd himself into the Land-Service , viz. in the Second Regiment of Foot-Guards, in the Company of Captain Swan, under the Command of Colonel Marsham; in which Service he was, when in December last he was Try'd, Convicted, and Burnt in the Cheek for a Felony by him committed a little before that time; which Punishment he had received long before, viz. above three years ago, for a Felony he then was justly found guilty of. He mightily lamented his sinful Life past, and begg'd Pardon both of God and Man.

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