Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

1st March 1700

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LL ref: OA170003010003010001

1st March 1700

A full and true Account, of the Behaviours, Confessions, and last Dying Speeches, of the Condemn'd Criminals, that were Executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 1st. of March, 1700 .

JOseph Moody< no role > This name instance is in set 1258. , aged 29 Years, Condemned for Burglary, was a Brasier by Trade, but being impatient of the Yoke of Servitude, grew Head-strong, and so letting loose the Reins to his roving and boundless Appetite, following the bewitching Blandishments of sensual Delights, this soon Shipwrackt his Fortune, and reduc'd him to the lowest ebb of Adversity, from whence to disengage himself, he launcht out into a new Ocean of Troubles, following several unlawful ways of Living, which for some time he concealed; but meeting unfortunately with some wicked Persons, that had Consumed their Substance with Gaming and Riotous living, he was by them seduc'd to Steal privately from Persons several things, and at last to Break a House: This pernicious way of living he followed for some time, till at length, his Conscience, whose soft Whispers he had so often drown'd with the Noise of riotous Excesses, began to Allarm him with the Fears of a Future State, and those eternal Miseries, that await all such Impenitent and Obstinate Sinners as he was: This gained thus much of him, to make a stand, and to cease a while from the violent Pursuit of his sinful ways, to Consider what he had got by all his wicked and unjust Dealings; what a certain and dreadful Danger he run? How sad and dismal his Reckoning must one Day be? How vain and transitory the Pleasures of Sin were, and how sore and lasting its Punishments; and that it was yet possible for him, thorough Gods Grace to escape them: These Thoughts did beget in him some Resolutions of Repentance and Amendment of Life; so true is it, that Vice oweth its quiet Possession of Mens Minds, to their Stupidity, Carelesness, and Inconsideration, Reigning undisturbedly, only in Ignorant, Secure, and Unthinking Spirits, but strait loseth all its Force and Power, when once Men begin to look about them and bethink themselves what they are a doing, and whither they are going. For some time (as he said) he kept those good Purposes, and to avoid his bad Company, went to Sea , and remained some time in the East-Indies ; but returning to his Native Country, he was so Bewitched with the alluring Sollicitations of evil Men, that he fell into the same Snare again, committed this Burglary, notwithstanding all his Vows and Resolutions to the contrary; for which he seemed to be very much Concerned, lamenting his Condition with a Floud of Tears, and made several Promises to reform his evil ways, if he could escape Suffering for them at this time. He was put in Mind, of the Reasons he had to suspect the Sincerity of these good Purposes, and to remember that vast Difference that there is, between things as they are only represented to us by our Fancies, and when they become actually and sensibly present to us; to which he reply'd, that he hop'd God would for Christ's Sake, not despise his weak Resolutions, but enable him by his Grace to keep them: Humbly beseeching him not to forsake him in this time of his greatest need of Comfort, but that he would be Graciously pleased to be found of him, at the Hour of Death and Day of Judgment, that God of Mercy and Love, which in himself he always is. I hope he was a true Penitent.

John Hudson< no role > , 31 Years old, Convicted for the same, was a Farmer , and lived very well, laying out a considerable Sum of Money, in improving a certain Farm which he Rented of a Gentleman; but afterwards, an unhappy Difference arising between them, he was told, that his Landlord was a Minor, when he Signed the Leases, and was resolved, now, to Cancel all the Obligations he was under to perform his Part; upon this, he commenced a Suit against the Gentleman, which proved his Ruin; for having spent his Substance, he was reduc'd to very low and pressing Circumstances, which prevail'd with him at length to commit this Fact, which he confest, was not the first he was Guilty of; he having for some time followed that detestable way of Living, notwithstanding he was frequently sollicited by the Tears and Intreaties of his Relations, to bid Adieu to such wicked and unlawful Practices, to be no longer imposed on by Bad Company, but to betake himself to some honest way of Living; to all which good and wholesome Advice, he turned a deaf Ear, being wedded so much to his wicked Accomplices, that nothing, he thought, could divorce him from them but Death. However, the Miseries of a Prison altered his Sentiments, being at a distance from his old Companions in Sin, he became very uneasy, being disturbed with the Sense of his Guilt, he began to reflect on his past Life, to see what is the Fruits of all his past Follies, and consider the end of these things: this made him Pensive and Melancholy, and Frighted him into Thoughts of Repentance, which he hopes is now improved to a true and sincere one. His Folly and obstinacy in not listening to the good Counsel of his Relations, he very much lamented, beseeching God to help him, (being removed from the Conversation of the World) to descend more seriously into his own Heart, that he might search and try his ways, and most earnestly Repent of all those vitious Liberties he had formerly taken, that so his Heart might be

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