Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

9th September 1692

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LL ref: OA169209099209090001

9th September 1692

A True ACCOUNT of the BEHAVIOUR, CONFESSION AND Last Dying SPEECHES Of the Criminals that were Executed at TYBURN, On Friday the 9th of September, 1692 .

ON Saturday the Ordinary visited the Condemned, exhorting them repent of their most secret Sins, God having convinced them of their Atheism, by bringing them to publick Shame and Punishment; desiring them not to persist in trifling away the remaining Opportunities of Salvation. Especially he directed his Speech to the Condemned for Clipping the Currant Coin of this Nation; endeavouring to convince them, that the Law and deservedly made it High Treason. The King and Queen's sacred Authority is violated in diminishing any part of the publick Coiu, in a manner equally, as in debasing it with false Metal. One of the Roman Csars caused the Bones of one Thallus to be broken on a Wheel, for breaking the Seal of a Letter: And doth not the Violating of a Prince's Dignity, in the defacing of his Coin, justly demerit as severe and infamous a Death? Such was David's Tenderness in Conscience, that his Heart smoe him with Grief and Shame for cutting off the Skirt of Saul's Robe, as an Act of great Contempt: Yet Persons addicted to Riotous Expences count it no Traytorous Infringement of due Allegiance, to clip the Inscription of Royal Titles, if the Stamp of the Prince's Image be not defaced, nor imbased. But how shall the Coin be kown to be legally currant, if the Inscription of the Prince's Name, and his Royal Titles, he clipped or filed off? This is a notorious Dishonour to the Prince's Crown and Dignity. Besides, the Diminishing the full Weight, and Intrinsecal Value of Mony, is great Injnriousness to the Nation; because Coin being clipp'd, Trade cannot so honourably circulate, nor the Poors Wants be so confidently supplied, were not Clipp'd Mony made Passable in Payment, by reason of its very geat Scarcity: Yet how numerous are the Practitioners of this Mystery of Iniquity grown! Let them not presumptuously hope that they shall escape a Discovery: The Omniscient frequently brings them to condign Shame and Punishment, though they Atheistically please themselves in dreaming that the Flames of Hell are vanished into Smoak, while they treasonably melt down any part of the publick Coin. After this, Counsel was given to all the Condemned, how to attain Saving Faith and Repentance; that so, their Afflictions being sanctified, they might obtain as Eternal Rest in Heavenly Felicity; and were dismissed with Prayers.

On the Lord's Day in the Forenoon, a Sermon was preached on 1 Pet. 3. 14. Wherefore, Beloved, seeing ye look for such things, be diligent, that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless. From whence the Certainty of the Day of Judgment was demonstrated from many Scriptural Arguments, and the Equity of the Sentence which shall then be pronounced, as relating to the absolute, unalterable State of the Righteous in Eternal Felicity, and the Wicked in Everlasting Misery.

An Exhortation was directed to the Condemned, to awaken them from their Security in an impenitent State; with Rules, how to prepare themselves for Death and Judgment, that neither might be terrible to them.

In the Afternoon, the Ordinary preached on Job 40. 4. Behold, I am vile: What shall I answer thee? I will lay my hand upon my mouth.

Observ. 1. The more we have to do with God, and the nearer he comes to us, the more we ought to be made sensible of our own Vileness, by reason of our great Sinfulness. Here was shewed, in what Respects Sin makes Persons vile: Sinners former slight Thoughts of God himself before they sin, and dishonourable, hard Conceits of him afterwards, as if he were inexorable. Sin degrades the Integrity, Peace and Safety of the Soul, to the vilest Hire of Wickedness. It is a wilful yet pleasing Slavery to Satan, the Prince of Darkness: It makes as Hell above-ground, to the Overthrow of all Orders among the Societies of Men. Yea, God himself cannot devise a more horrid Punishment, than to give up the Sinner to the greedy Consummation of his Lusts.

The Inference, If Sin make vile, do not make a Disport of sinning. Let no Man think that he can be vile enough in Humiliation for Sin, nor too excelling in Vertue. Immediately therefore turn to the holy God, study to be like him; so shall all Remarks of Honour, and his Approbation, continually stream out upon you.

From the Second Part of the Text, viz. What shall I answer thee? the Observation was, That when God riseth up to judge us for our Sins, we must not argue it with him, in studying of Excuses, or Extenuations of our Guiltiness. Sinners many times cannot stand before the Tribunal of their own Consciences; their guilty Thoughts fall heavy on them, and crush them into Desparation: However, God looks through their Hearts, and will lay open their Sins, to their Shame and Consternation, when they are most secure. Labour therefore to got the Answer of a good Conscience, purged from the Guilt, Guiles and Pollution of Sin, by the Blood and Sanctifying Spirit of the Lord Jesus.

Thirdly, I will lay my hand upon my mouth. Observe, That a true Penitent doth not complain that he is secretly afflicted, but accepts of the Punishment of his Iniquity, to the Amendment of his Life. The sincere Christian bears all from God with great Serenity of Mind: He kisses the Rod, because it blossoms with the Fruits of Righteousness. But the Hypocrite's Affliction doth rather astonish, than awaken him from his Security: He quenches God's Fiery Arrows, and drowns his own Sorrows in Sensual Pleasures: But the Truly Penitent, as the Palm-tree, spring up higher in the Exercise of their Graces, and abound more in the Fruits of Righteousness, by how much their Trials are multiplied and prolonged.

The Conclusion was thus directed to the Condemned: Would you lay your Hand upon your Mouth, and justifie the Lord's Judiciary Sentence against you? Observe these Rules: Get the Peace of God into your Hearts, as reconciled to him in Christ; and let it rule in you, to awe you from sinning. 2. Take heed of entertaining any suspicious Thoughts of the Lord's good In

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