<div1 type="WJ_PSpage" id="LMWJPS65439PS654390017"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMWJPS654390017"></xptr>
<p n="72"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Dear Bondoman</note>
I have had a very bad state of Heath was since I left London I never had any<lb></lb>
thing worth your hearing till now, or else I shou'd have write to you sooner<lb></lb>
the following is a short Acct. of the Batle which was fought on Collodon<lb></lb>
moore (on April the 16th we march't from Narrin towards Inverness<lb></lb>
the Rebels Advance Guards frequently giving us honble tell we Advance<lb></lb>
to the Moore <gap reason="illegible"></gap>
where we say the Rebles drawn up in line of<lb></lb>
Battle on<del>the</del>
Advance Ground Our gallant Hers causd the lines<lb></lb>
immediately to be form'd in which Order we march't towards the enemy<lb></lb>
tell we came within 200 yardes when all of a sudden four Peices of<lb></lb>
Artillery began to play<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
from the enemeys Right, his Royall<lb></lb>
Highness caus'd our Artillery immediately to Advance which play<lb></lb>
on them with great success for the space of half an Hour, the Rebels<lb></lb>
finding their Disadvantage by our Canonading immediately made<lb></lb>
their Actact with their best Clans on our self, but the Constant<lb></lb>
Fine of Barrels, our's Mongoes & Wolfs plaster'd their intentions<lb></lb>
in such a Manner that render'd their sworde of small service its<lb></lb>
incredable to beleave the Perpetuall fire our Froghs made for five<lb></lb>
Minuts, which caus'd the Rebels to repeate, on which we made our<lb></lb>
Pursuite but could hardly march for dead bodys, sure never sucks<lb></lb>
slater ever was made in so short a time, up the best of their Clerks</p>

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