<div1 type="TH_MGpage" id="LMTHMG55301MG553010365"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHMG553010365"></xptr>
<p n="2398">therein: And that as the Governors have an undoubled Power to choose and<lb></lb>
appoint during their pleasure the Minister or Chaplain for the said Church<lb></lb>
He only or such as he should appoint, ought to Preach and performe Divine<lb></lb>
Service in the said Church on Sunday Mornings, and not a Lecturer appointed<lb></lb>
by the Parishioners, who if approved by our Chaplain or Minister ought<lb></lb>
to Preach only in the Afternoons; And wee therefore Ordered, That the<lb></lb>
said Mr Casbeard should not permitt any person chosen by the sd. Parishioners<lb></lb>
as a Lecturer, to have the use of the said Pulpitt in the Mornings, and that<lb></lb>
no such Lecturer should be permitted the use of the said Pulpitt without<lb></lb>
the Approbation or consent of the Governors of this Hospitall; And<lb></lb>
Mr Casbeard haveing been infomed by Mr. <rs type="occupation" id="LMTHMG55301_occ2130">Treasurer</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMG55301_occ2130" type="occupation" value="Treasurer"></interp>
(at our Request) of<lb></lb>
the said Order, promised his Observance thereof.</p>
<p n="2399">And your Committee, upon the Representation of Mr Treasurer<lb></lb>
takeing into Consideracon the Great Sums of money which have been for some<lb></lb>
years past paid to the Church Wardens of the said Parish of St: Thomas for<lb></lb>
the Buryalls of Patients dying within this Hospitall in the Church-Yard<lb></lb>
or Burying Ground belonging to the said Church or Free Chappell of St. Thomas<lb></lb>
when in Fact the said Church-Yard or Burying Ground is appropriated as<lb></lb>
well for the Buryall of Patients and others dying in the said Hospitall, as of<lb></lb>
the said Parishioners, And no Fees ought to be taken (as we humbly conceive)<lb></lb>
from the Hospitall for the Buryalls of any such Patients or others. Wee<lb></lb>
Ordered in July last, That no such Fees should be paid for the Future without<lb></lb>
further Order for it. And we desired Mr Treasurer to take the trouble upon<lb></lb>
him of demanding the Key of the said Chuch-yard of the Church wardens,<lb></lb>
in Order to have another Key made thereby for the Service of the Hospitall<lb></lb>
And also to demand of them the Key of the Great or Outer Vault under the<lb></lb>
said Church which was delivered to the Parishioners in 1705. by the Governors.<lb></lb>
that the said Parishioners might make use of the same for Buryalls of the<lb></lb>
Parishioners during the pleasure of the Governors: Wee thinking it<lb></lb>
necessary at this time to Assert the Right of the Governors: to the said vault<lb></lb>
least the Parishionrs: (as they seen inclined) should from their using the same<lb></lb>
pretend to set up a Right in themselves to the said Vault, and to the profitts<lb></lb>
ariseing thereby. Mr. Treasurer afterwards acquainted us, That he had<lb></lb>
demanded the said Keys accordingly, but the Churchwardens refused to deliver<lb></lb>
the Same; And thereupon by our Direccon, Mr Treasurer caused a Padlock<lb></lb>
to be put on the Dore of the said Vault, and took the Key, of the said Church<lb></lb>
yard or Buryall Ground out of the Dore, and caused a new Key to be made<lb></lb>
for the use of this Hospitall, leaving the old Key with the above named<lb></lb>
Mr Casbeard for the use of the Parishioners. And no Fees haveing been<lb></lb>
paid for Buryall of Patients in the said Church-yard since July last, the<lb></lb>
Hospitall have saved thereby about the sum of Twenty pounds; Out of which<lb></lb>
wee have ordered a Gratuity or Free Gift of Ten Guineas to be paid to the<lb></lb>
Reverend Mr Say who has officiated as Lecturer in the said Parish from<lb></lb>
July last at the Request of some of the Inhabitants and with the consent of<lb></lb>
some of the Governors: and of the said Mr Casbeard for his past Service<lb></lb>
In Regard that severall of the parishioners who insisted upon haveing<lb></lb>
a Lecturer</p>

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