<div1 type="TH_LBpage" id="LMTHLB55003LB550030174"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHLB550030174"></xptr>
<p n="1398">which I will thank you to took ever as soon us possible & as from the con<lb></lb>
fidenteal Situa<obscured></obscured>
you stand in well the Hospital I am pursuaded my<lb></lb>
Communications an there Subjects mount always be secret, I have to desire<lb></lb>
you well not let my Thary transpire relative to your I dear on this<lb></lb>
Servay tell you have submitted them to me. The Marchlased if this<lb></lb>
Estate is highly valuable, of an behalf of the Hospital my Expect whoms are<lb></lb>
raised to a degree (from Information I have lately received) beyond what<lb></lb>
I could have capicted bus Know if this ceased<obscured></obscured>
Communication when<lb></lb>
we must. The Markes an I apprehend now subject by day for your to<lb></lb>
go upon them, therefore place to make year Serving as soon as possible<lb></lb>
of let me require your being very minutes & particular on so doing<lb></lb>
Jayner your not having been paid for all year extra Attendance &<lb></lb>
particularly on those Estates the Rents of which you do not receive<lb></lb>
& shall endeavour to make same Arrangement will you when you<lb></lb>
came to FourMr. Chamber the Hospital Agent for Dart<obscured></obscured>
Etc Mr. webb for Witts being<obscured></obscured>
Agent I have<lb></lb>
Mr Beeven to<obscured></obscured>
then Charges Etc, not that I<obscured></obscured>
to entem<obscured></obscured>
approbation of your Charges further than when the Account for<lb></lb>
Remuneration is submitted to the Committee the Common of Comer<lb></lb>
will be Subject of Enquiry<lb></lb>
I am Etc A.C.</p>
<p n="1399">To Mr. <rs type="persName" id="LMTHLB55003_n1399-1">Benja Chambers</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_n1399-1" type="given" value="Benja"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_n1399-1" type="surname" value="Chambers"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_n1399-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<rs type="placeName" id="LMTHLB55003_geo493">Tibshelf</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_geo493" type="placeName" value="Tibshelf"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_geo493" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
near <rs type="placeName" id="LMTHLB55003_geo494">Mansfield</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_geo494" type="placeName" value="Mansfield"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_geo494" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
London <rs type="date" id="LMTHLB55003_date238">14 March 1807</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHLB55003_date238" type="date" value="18070314"></interp>
I am favoured will year letters of the 18 feb & 9 I not to the former of<lb></lb>
which I should sooner have replied had it been in my Power to have feard<lb></lb>
upon a term to<obscured></obscured>
To be half prevent to Lady day agreeable to your<lb></lb>
Wishes, but Nus. Chapman slate of Wealth added to other Engagement at<lb></lb>
this Time, well I am a paid render my leaving home impossible The<lb></lb>
progress you have made<obscured></obscured>
gives me<obscured></obscured>
Satisfaction as<lb></lb>
it well always be a great Object with me to have the Hospital Estates<lb></lb>
will wooded I therefore hope preserves to next Autumn we shall see<lb></lb>
what more can be done on this important Subject To be half I well<lb></lb>
thank you to make an immedeate Report to me of the Slate of the<lb></lb>
Cottages with what you think they ought each to be let at, of<obscured></obscured>
are to be let to Tanner as well, &<obscured></obscured>
to your Consideration the<lb></lb>
Necessity of encouraging decent Labourers As<obscured></obscured>
are up great by<lb></lb>
no means to let any to those who do not frequent Public worship agree<lb></lb>
able to the dutates of then own Commence it certainly being are impe-<lb></lb>
-roves duty an us all to suppress<obscured></obscured>
& encourage virtue as much<lb></lb>
as lays<obscured></obscured>
power. Mr Beevers having sludeed the property Tax<lb></lb>
more than I have, will gave you his Sentements on the Subject if your<lb></lb>
I am Sir Etc<lb></lb>
<p n="1400">I hope you will attend to Mr. Belletts preposetion relative to the Ty this of<lb></lb>
Berwick, and well be highly dararable to have the Estate To the free</p>
<p n="1401">[Added by J.B.] I conceive as they estimate your prop<obscured></obscured>
so far beyond the<lb></lb>
Full that on order to exenerate yourself you will be under the necessity<lb></lb>
(if you cannot otherwise satisfy them) of make an Affidavit of your Propls<lb></lb>
on the Collery & perhaps the Average of I yours will be admitted as the faunt<lb></lb>
Return The I ruppese your may be able to make out<obscured></obscured>
(the is well cost you same trouble) I would at true be prepared well such</p>
<p n="1402">Sent and of Pess 7 tax to Lady day 1807 Whether the Parndon Wards will<lb></lb>
supply us with Kindlin. Cummingham 7000 P ann a pound weight<lb></lb>
15 Mats Very<obscured></obscured>
year of ones pargan</p>

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