Sessions House Clerkenwell Green
Jany 15. 1796
We the Undersigned, the Grand Jury for the County
of Middlesex
then and there Holden
Having taken into serious Consider ation a Letter
from his Grace the Duke of Portland
one of his
Majesty's principal Suritaries of State enclosing
the Resolutions of both Houses of Parliament relative
to the Consumption of Wheater Flour, addressed to the
Chairman of the Quarter Sessions of the Peace
for the
said County and by him presented to Us the said
Grand Jury thereof for this Sessions.
Do Unanimously Resolve
That we the said Jury will Adopt the Resolutions
and Agreements enter'd into by both Houses of
Parliament and recommended by his Majesty's
most Honorable Privy Council, and Plidge ourselves
to prevent the Consumption of Wheater Flour, in our
Respective Families, as far as it is Practicable