<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50876PS508760016"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS508760016"></xptr>
<p n="98">Temple Sessn 10th 1792</p>
<p n="99">Sr</p>
<p n="100">I<obscured></obscured>
the favor of your letter last<lb></lb>
night, containing the resolutions, of the magistrates<lb></lb>
Entred into on Thursday last; at the making of which<lb></lb>
I am supposed to have been present; and to have assented<lb></lb>
to them; whereas no revolution was come to whilst I<lb></lb>
was there, nor did I hear the subject of any of them started<lb></lb>
except as to the second, and last revolution but one</p>
<p n="101">I Confess as at present advised<lb></lb>
I cannot accede to<del>sham</del>
same of them particularly to<lb></lb>
ch authorizing of the taking 4s for the examination<lb></lb>
of removal the Resign having been <lb></lb>
accustomed for many years past to prepare the<lb></lb>
examination and order</p>
<p n="102">I understand that Mr Connant on<lb></lb>
receving his Copy of the revolution oppressed his<lb></lb>
sentiments nearly to the same effect as shave done<lb></lb>
my Colleague Mr Andrews is of the same Opinion</p>
<p n="103">As Mr Andrews & myself have a great<lb></lb>
respect for the Genn. who framed the revolutions, We<lb></lb>
beg leave to say that we think our difficulties would<lb></lb>
have been removed , had we heard the reasons given<lb></lb>
for making them</p>

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