<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50870PS508700017"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS508700017"></xptr>
<p n="48">or Notices will fall short or exceed the Prices of performing the same<lb></lb>
according to the Original Contract And in case the said Justices shall<lb></lb>
give directions in Writing signed by their Clerk for the time being for such<lb></lb>
Variations or Alterations to be made then and not otherwise (in case the<lb></lb>
Price or Prices of Erecting the said Buildings and doing the said works<lb></lb>
shall in respect of such Augmented Variations or Alterations amount<lb></lb>
to more then the said Several Prices herein before referred to or any of them<lb></lb>
(the said Justices shall pay to the said his Heirs<lb></lb>
Executors or Administrators such additional Price or Prices as previous to the<lb></lb>
making such Variations or Alterations shall be agreed on for that<lb></lb>
purpose or in case the said Parties shall agreed then such additional<lb></lb>
Price or Prices as the said Clerk of the Works for the time being shall<lb></lb>
Estimate such work at but in case by reason of such Variations or<lb></lb>
Alterations the Price or Prices of Erecting the said Buildings and doing<lb></lb>
the said Works shall amount to less then the said several Prices<lb></lb>
hereinbefore referred to or any of them then the said Justices shall<lb></lb>
deduct and retain out of the said several Prices so such money as<lb></lb>
previous to the making such Variations or Alterations shall be agreed<lb></lb>
on to be deducted thereout by the said Parties or for want of such<lb></lb>
Agreement so much as the said Clerk of the works for the time being</p>

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