<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50804PS508040011"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS508040011"></xptr>
<p n="94">In the yer 1754 <rs type="persName" id="LMSMPS50804_n94-1">Richard Akerman</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_n94-1" type="given" value="Richard"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_n94-1" type="surname" value="Akerman"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_n94-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
was appointed <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50804_occ16">keeper of His Majesty's Gaol</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_occ16" type="occupation" value="keeper of His Majesty's Gaol"></interp>
<rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo15">Newgate</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo15" type="placeName" value="Newgate"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo15" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo16">City of London</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo16" type="placeName" value="City of London"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo16" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo17">County of Middlesex</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo17" type="placeName" value="County of Middlesex"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo17" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and he still continues the Keep<lb></lb>
<p n="95">Mr. Akerman from the time of his said appointment received the Sum of 14s..10d if the<lb></lb>
Contractors for the Transportation of every Person convicted at the several Sessions of Oyer and<lb></lb>
Terminer and the Delivery of the Gaol of <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo18">Newgate</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo18" type="placeName" value="Newgate"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo18" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
holden for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo19">City of London</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo19" type="placeName" value="City of London"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo19" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and at the several<lb></lb>
Session of the Delivery of the Gaol of Newgate holden for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo20">County of Middlesex</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo20" type="placeName" value="County of Middlesex"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo20" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and at the<lb></lb>
several Session of the Peace holden for the said County and also at the several Session of the<lb></lb>
Peace holden for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo21">City and Liberty of westminster</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo21" type="placeName" value="City and Liberty of westminster"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo21" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
in the said County and Ordered by the Court<lb></lb>
at the said several Session to be Transported, as a Fee due to him as such Keeper and which<lb></lb>
Fee had been usually paid to him for the Transportaion of every Person so convicted ever and<lb></lb>
above the Charges of Conseying such Persons from the said Gaol on Board the Ship in which<lb></lb>
they were to be so transported</p>
<p n="96">During the time Felons were punished by hard Labour on the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo22">River Thames</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo22" type="placeName" value="River Thames"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo22" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
Mr. Akerman<lb></lb>
in pursuance of the act of Parliament for that purpose received the Fee of 14s. 10d of the<lb></lb>
<rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50804_occ17">Treasurer</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_occ17" type="occupation" value="Treasurer"></interp>
for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50804_geo23">County of Middlesex</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo23" type="placeName" value="County of Middlesex"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_geo23" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
by order of the <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50804_occ18">Justices of the Peace</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50804_occ18" type="occupation" value="Justices of the Peace"></interp>
for every Convict<lb></lb>
punished but since<obscured></obscured>
passing of the Act of Perliament herein after stated the Justices have<lb></lb>
order for the Fees claimed by Mr. Akerman in perso<obscured></obscured>
of such<obscured></obscured>
<p n="97">By an Act of Parliament made in the 24th. Year of King Geo: the 3d.<obscured></obscured>
the 3d. Section is stated- the 6th. and 7th. Sections are also stated</p>
<p n="98">Then it is stated in the Case that Mr. Akerman deliveredan Account of the<lb></lb>
Transports to the Justices and their Proceedings thereon in respect of the Fee of<lb></lb>
14s. 10d and of the Expences attending thereon.</p>

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