<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50793PS507930065"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS507930065"></xptr>
<p n="310">Also when a Way can not be made for<lb></lb>
the Grand Jury to come into Court with<lb></lb>
coming in under the Stairs as they new do<lb></lb>
and whether better Accomodaton cannot be then they new house<lb></lb>
provided for the Witnesses attendg this Court &<obscured></obscured>
for ye Ct.<obscured></obscured>
Comon do grate this Repr.thereof & Jack other Matters as may<lb></lb>
be necessary for ye better carg on the buyers<lb></lb>
of ye Sessns.</p>
<p n="311">And the (the same Co<obscured></obscured>
as for<lb></lb>
ye House of Ct</p>
<p n="312">Lang other of his Matys Justices of ye Peace<lb></lb>
as may Chosen of attend may<lb></lb>
5 of them be such Commee the<lb></lb>
same being agreed<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
<p n="313">Resolved that the sd. commee do with<lb></lb>
for ye first time at this place on<lb></lb>
the Day of<lb></lb>
in the forenoon & afterwds next to<lb></lb>
adjourn or pleasure</p>

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