<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50782PS507820150"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS507820150"></xptr>
<p n="1092"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Three Courts for<lb></lb>
"Placed North and South No. 2 & 4 and with the same conveniences</p>
<p n="1093"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">"Two In<obscured></obscured>
"The one Placed at the South end of the Males Courts and the West<lb></lb>
"end of the Females to be One Story high and divided above the Areades<lb></lb>
"law three Apartments each of a Proportion and Height to place three<lb></lb>
"or four Beds therein with Ventilators and a reasonable supply of did<lb></lb>
"with vapour Rooms and Water Closets adjoining</p>
<p n="1094">"Basement Story</p>
<p n="1095"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Under the Brisons</note>
Kitchen and other Offices and Collard and a Warehouse and<lb></lb>
No. 3 and No. 4 Baths to each of the four Prisons which<lb></lb>
"may occasionally be heated Two Dungeons also placed under each<lb></lb>
"Prison but with thorough Air and Light occasionally Under No. 1 and 2<lb></lb>
"separate Rooms for Male and Female Vagrants with ways from the<lb></lb>
"outside down to the same. These will add to the above Numbers</p>
<p n="1096">"It must be remembered that the first Story being raised at<lb></lb>
"least Four Feet from the surface of the Street will admit Light and Air<lb></lb>
"and be at least equal to the Offices in the Basement Storys of modern<lb></lb>
"dwelling houses</p>
<p n="1097"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Under the Working Rooms</note>
"To be contained the Repositorys of the Matcridle to be made<lb></lb>
"use of and to be raised up by an Opening in the center of each Working<lb></lb>
<p n="1098">"Under the end Working Room Tanks may be formed to<lb></lb>
"receive all the Rain Water from the Premises with Primps to force up the<lb></lb>
"same into the different Passages but the most convenient and least<lb></lb>
"expensive way to supply Water will be the forming Cesterns on the Roof<obscured></obscured>
"and Pipes to descend therefrom to the aforesaid Passages</p>
<p n="1099">"Two Upper Storys</p>
<p n="1100">"To be Ten feet high. The several Cells Rooms and Passages to be<lb></lb>
"arched in Brick Work and pased with hard White Bricks or Clinkers</p>
<p n="1101">"All the Windows to be raised at least Six Feet from the Floor.</p>
<p n="1102">"Ventilators over each Passage and a free currency of Air preserved<lb></lb>
"throughout and up the Stair casesAir holes in the Walls</p>

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