Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1783

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507630059

Image 59 of 90

To the Worshipfull his Majesty's
Justices of the Peace for the City & Liberty
of Westminster in their General Quarter
Sessions of the Peace for the said City
and Liberty at Westminster Assembled

The Humble Petition of the Churchwardens
and Surveyors of the Highways of the Parish of
St. Anne Westmr.. in the County of Middlesex


That the Highways and Pavements to be amended and
repaired by the Inhabitants of the said Parish are at
present so broken and faulty that they cannot be
Sufficiently amended and repaired for this present year
from the Feast day of the Birth of our Lord Christ now
last past at less Charge than the Expence of One hundred
pounds And that the money being not to be raised
without an Order of the General Quarter Sessions

It is prayed that this Court will grant
them such Order whereby they be Enable
to raise the said Sum to defray the Charges
before mentioned.

And shall ever pray Etc.

Edm: Byron< no role >

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