Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507040164

Image 164 of 190

To the Worshipfull John Hawkins< no role > Esquire and to
the rest of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middlesex in their General Session Assembled.

The Humble Petition and Appeal of Diedrick
< no role > of the Parish of Saint George Middlesex an
Inhabitant paying to the Relief of the Poor within the said


That a Rate or Assessment was [..] on the nineteenth day of August last made for the relief of the Poor of
the said Parish by John Horsford< no role > and Lancelot Bowler< no role > Churchwardens
and William Ray< no role > , William Gunniss< no role > and John Hopkins< no role > overseers of the
Poor of the said Parish and all owed by Roberts Pill and Christopher Scott< no role >
Esquires two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace of the said County, which
Rate was made for three Months Commenceing at Lady Day now last past. That your
Petitioner conceives himself aggrieved by the said Rate because heard
the other Inhabitants of the said Parish are thereby Rated or Assessed
by an Annual Assessment by the Pound, Whereas the Custom and Usage
of the said Parish hath constantly for great numbers of Years last
past been to make a Monthly Rate or Assessment, which being
discretionary was much better Calculated to Answer immediate
Occasions without bringing a perpetual burthen on the Inhabitants.

That the said Rate is in many Instances partial and
unequal and in particular that your said Petitioner is charged much
higher in proportion to the Annual Value of the Premises Occupied
by him than other Persons within the said Parish and therefore and
for other Defects in the said Rate your Petitioner Appeals therefrom

Your Petitioner therefore humbly prays that your
Worships would be pleased to order the benefit of the
said Appeal to be saved to your Petitioner, and that your
Worships would be pleased to appoint a Day in the next
General Quarter Session of the Peace to hear and determine
the said Appeal; And at the same time that the Church=
=wardens and Overseers of the said Parish may produce
the Books of the Old Rates for the Relief of the Poor of
the said Parish, as also the Books of the present Rate

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