Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1747

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS503820010

Image 10 of 12411th December 1747

The King
Daniel Goodwin< no role > }
on the Prosecucon of
Arthur Macon< no role > for
an Assault

Thomas Wyman< no role > of the Parish of Saint Paul Shadwell in the
County of Middlesex Baker maketh Oath that he this Dept.
did on the Tenth day of this Instant December leave at the
Lodging of the Prosecutor in this Cause with Mrs. Bollard there
a Notice in Writing purporting that the Deft. Daniel Goodwin< no role >
would appear at the Session of the Peace to be held at Hicks's.
Hall in Saint John Street in and for the County of Middlesex
as on this day and would then and there take the benefitt of
the late Act of Parliament (Intituled an Act for the Kings
most Gracious General & Free Pardon) in respect to the
Indictment the Prosecutor had found against him for
an Assault or words to that or the like Effect

Sworn in Court
the 11th. Day of December 1747 .}


Thos Wyman< no role >

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