to Witt
The King agt.
Harry Harris< no role >
on the Prosecution of
John Rayell< no role >
Abraham Garsons< no role >
of Coxes Square
in the Parish
of Christ Church
in the County of Middlesex
Silver Smith
maketh Oath that be dellivered a true Coppy of the
notice hereunto annexed to Mary Rayels< no role >
wife of
John Rayels< no role >
the prosecutor in this Indictment
at the [..] Greendragonas Mild ford lane in the Parish of
[..] the County of Middlesex
and at the same true liked her ye said Mary
Rayels< no role >
where her husband was and her answer was
that the did not Know and this Depont beleives
when he servsd
said notice it was about the hour of Two of the Clock
in the afternoon on Monday last being the
fourth day of September one thousand
hundred and thirty Eight
Sworn in Court this
Seventh day of September
Abraham Glint< no role >