At the General Quarter Session of the peace of our sovereign Lord the
King begun and holden for the County of Middx at Hicks hall in St. John Street
in the
County aforesaid on Monday the fourth day of July in the eleventh year
of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second King of Great
Britain Etc before the Justices next under named and from thence
continued by several adjournments untill this day (to wit) Thursday the
seventh day of the same Month of July in the year aforesaid and on
the same day holden by adjournment at Hicks Hall
aforesaid in & for
the said County before
Edward Barker< no role >
Richard Ricards< no role >
Chamberlain< no role >
Clifford William Phillipps< no role >
& other their Follow
Justices of our said Lord the King assigned to keep the peace in the
County aforesaid and also hear & determine divers folonys trespasses
& other misdeeds committed in the same County,
Whereas John Coleman< no role >
exhibited his humble petition unto this
Court on Monday the fourth day of July instant settingforth That by
Indenturesof apprenticeship bearing date the fourth day of February
one thousand seven hundred and thirty four the petitioner did putt
himselfe Apprentice to Samuel Harris< no role >
of Goodman's Fields
in the Parish
of St. Mary White Chappel
in the County of Middx a foreign Brother [..]
the Mistery and Comonalty of Barbers & Surgeon of London to lear [..]
Art and with him afore the manner of an Apprentice to serve from [..]
day of the date for the term of seven years, And that the Petr. Father
gave his master fifty five guineas on his being put so Apprentice and
likewise a Bond in the penalty of one hundred pounds conditioned for
the finding the petr. cloaths and washing during his apprenticeship, and
also that the petr. should truely perform the covenants contained in those
Indentures on his behalf to be done & performed, And that soon after
the petrs. comeing to his said Master from a very friendly & civil treatment
his Master intirely changed (contrary to his express promises) to treat the
petr. in a very unhansome manner, providing him with very improper
& unholsome diet, keeping him in attendance at Taverns & Victualling
house to light him home till late at night and sometimes early in [..]
morning, and by opprobious language & other ill usage endeavouring
as much as possible, as the petr. apprehends, to oblige him to quit his sa [..]
apprenticeship, and has frequently declared he never would tea [..]
the petr. his said business nor employ hm in the same, And that the petr.
said Master did bring an action against the petr. Father to recover the [..]
penalty of the said Bond, and the same was brought on to trial by his [..]
said Master the sittings after last Hillary Term, But it going against [..]
his said Master there has been no likelyhood of a reconciliation since,
And that the petrs. Master has so little employment in the business of a
Surgeon that the petr. doth verity beleive he shall never be likely to be [..]
that business with him, Therefore the petr. most humbly prayed this C [..]
would be pleased to Order that the petr. may be discharged from his said [..]