Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1729

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502600008

Image 8 of 1624th May 1729

Sat. May. 24th. 1729.

{Ordered That no more or
other searchers be upon
apointed upon the Brick act
Than were this Sessions
apointed in [..] County
untill the County day of the
next Sessions & That it be
then taken into consider-
-ration (after diner) what
method shall for the
future be observed and
taken by ye Court in
the appointing of Such
Searchers by Examination
into the fitness of their
qualifications for that
Employment or other proper
methods for the [..]
[..] the true intent &
meaning of the sd act
in the Searching of

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