<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50193PS501930005"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501930005"></xptr>
<p n="15">belonging to the yard of the said Prison is Soe worn<lb></lb>
out & rotten that it is not Sufficientyly Secured against<lb></lb>
the escape of the Prisoners comitted to the Sd. Prison,<lb></lb>
And that the flooring & windows are very much out<lb></lb>
of repaire, and that the wall adjoyning to Mr. Fullers<lb></lb>
garden wants another buttress or is in danger of<lb></lb>
falling, And that the said Referrees have taken<lb></lb>
the assistance of able Workmaen to view the Sd. Prison<lb></lb>
& make an estimate of the charge that it will cost<lb></lb>
to putt the said prison in necessary repaire, who<lb></lb>
are of opinion that for new ripping latheing<lb></lb>
tileing & furring of the roof, it being one hundred<lb></lb>
& fourty foot long and eight & twenty foot wide<lb></lb>
and for mending the gutters & plaistering of the<lb></lb>
Dormers in the fore front & backfront on the<lb></lb>
outside and for new flooring the Kitchen being<lb></lb>
two & twenty foot long & eleven foot wide with<lb></lb>
yellow deales & Oak Joyce with a New front door<lb></lb>
& door case & Window frame tot he same and for<lb></lb>
new flooring the lodge it being about fifteen foot<lb></lb>
long & ten foot wide with yellow deales & Oake<lb></lb>
Joyce, and for makeing a new shedd over the<lb></lb>
gate way comeing in, about two we foot by thirteen<lb></lb>
foot to be tiled with pantiles & new rafters<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
for the<lb></lb>
same & a new wall thirty two foot long & twenty<lb></lb>
two foot high & two brick thick with a pair of new<lb></lb>
gates & a wickett & hinges to the same to secure the escape</p>

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