<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50175PS501750007"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501750007"></xptr>
<p n="12">whole to the sume of sixty three pounds fourteen Shillings & nine<lb></lb>
pence halfe penny and are payable by vertue of severall Rates<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
made for raiseing of moneys for passing of Vagrants,<lb></lb>
for the Marshalsea Kings bench & hospitalls, maimed Soldiers &<lb></lb>
Mariners, house of Correction & on accompt of severall robberys<lb></lb>
comitted within the Hundred of Ossulston in this County, which<lb></lb>
the Petr. insisteth ought to have been paid to him to have<lb></lb>
enabled him to have had his accompts passd & adjusted by the<lb></lb>
respective Trears to whom he was to have paid over the same,<lb></lb>
to the end the Petr. might be fully discharged thereof,<del>whereupon<lb></lb>
whereupon It is thought fit Ordered by this Court that the</del>
And doth further Order that the Petr. doe pduce & lay before his Maties. Justices of the peace for this<lb></lb>
County inhabiting within Kensington Division aforesaid at their<lb></lb>
spiall<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Sessions the severall prcepts to him directed<del>from</del>
for raiseing of the severall sums of Money menconed in the Schedule<lb></lb>
<del>the Trears of the moneys above menconed in regin reing him</del>
annexed to his Peticon a true copy of wch. schedule is hereunder written<del>whereof<obscured></obscured>
<del>to cause the same to be raised within his sd. Division when</del>
and the sd. Referrees are hereby desired to see what sums of moneys (if any) are yet standing<lb></lb>
out &<del>uncapable</del>
unpaid to the Petr. upon any & which of the Rates<lb></lb>
above menconed from any & which of the parishes<lb></lb>
hambletts & places within the sd Division and for that purpose to convene before them the Churchwardens Overseers of the upper, Constables & Inhitants thereof And if it shall<lb></lb>
appeare to the sd. Justices of the peace that any sume or<lb></lb>
sumes of money are yet standing out & unpaid to the Petr.<lb></lb>
upon any of the sd. Rates from any of the sd. parishes<lb></lb>
hambletts<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
or places Then to cause the same to be forthwith paid<lb></lb>
to the Petr. to the intent he may be thereby enabled to pass<lb></lb>
his accts. concerning the same wth. the respective Trears</p>

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