<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50151PS501510011"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501510011"></xptr>
<p n="43">P Adiorn Sabli <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50151_date10">xxv o. die Febry 1715</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50151_date10" type="date" value="17160225"></interp>
<p n="44">This Court being informed that several Petty Sessions are held for Brentford<lb></lb>
Division and other Divisions in this County when the General or Quarter Sessions<lb></lb>
of the Peace are held for the said County And also at such places where Petty<lb></lb>
Sessions have not been usually held And that several Petty Sessions have been<lb></lb>
held within one Division at different places and at one and the same time<lb></lb>
And that by means of holding Petty Sessions as aforesaid Churchwardens<lb></lb>
Overseers of the Poor Constables and other Parish Officers are lyable to be<lb></lb>
Summoned to give their Attendance at such Petty Sessions during the continuance<lb></lb>
of the General or Quater Sessions of the Peace for this County whereby they may<lb></lb>
be delayed and retarded from Prosecuting and transacting such Prosecutions<lb></lb>
matters and things as they have occasion and are by the duty of their respective<lb></lb>
Offices obliged to Prosecute and Transact at such General or Quarter Sessions<lb></lb>
And that Churchwardens Overseers of the Poor Constables and other Parish<lb></lb>
Officers may by means of holding several Petty Sessions within one Division<lb></lb>
at different places and at one time as aforesaid be required to Appear at several<lb></lb>
places at one and the same time which would occassion them very great Trouble<lb></lb>
and expence This Court upon Consideration had of the Premises doth declare<lb></lb>
that it is their Opinion that the holding any Petty Sessions for any Division<lb></lb>
in this County during such time as the General or Quarter Sessions of the<lb></lb>
Peace are holden for the said County is illegal and contrary to Law, and that<lb></lb>
the Petty Sessions for every respective Division in this County ought to be held<lb></lb>
at the known and usual place where Petty Sessions have been usually held<lb></lb>
for such Division And that the requiring the said Officers Attendance at<lb></lb>
several places at one and the same time would be a great grievance And<lb></lb>
this Court doth therefore recommend it to all the Justices of the Peace of this<lb></lb>
County as the Opinion of this Court that they do not for the time to come<lb></lb>
during any General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden for this<lb></lb>
County hold any Petty Sessions for any Division within the said County<lb></lb>
And that they do within their respective Division in this County hold their<lb></lb>
Petty Sessions at the known and usual place within each Division where<lb></lb>
the Petty Sessions have been accustomed to be held and that they do not hold<lb></lb>
several Petty Sessions at different places at one time for any Division in this<lb></lb>
County to the end Parish Officers within any such Division may not be<lb></lb>
required to give their Attendance at several places at one & the same time</p>

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