To the Right Worspll. his Maties Justices of the
peace for the County of Middx.
The humble peticon of Timothy Kent< no role >
Henry Tilbury< no role >
Chappell Wardens
of the Hambles
Bow & Oldford
in the sd. County of Middx
On behalfe of themselves & other Inhitants of
the sd. Hamblett.
Robert Kyrby< no role >
John Cooper< no role >
two of his Maties Justices
of the peace
for the said County (Quor Unns) by Order under their
hands and seales beareing date the 28th. day of February last
Justina Harris< no role >
wife of
John Harris< no role > This name instance is in set 3052.
& their two
John< no role > This name instance is in set 3052.
Diana Harris< no role >
from the parish of st. Paul Shadwell
in the said County into Bow
aforesaid as the place of their last
legall settlement
That your peticoners are advised that the sd. John Harris< no role > This name instance is in set 3052.
and his
said Wife & children were never legally settled in Bow
and conceive themselves aggreived by the sd. Order and humbly
appeale from & against the same to the Judgment of this Com
And yor. peticoners humbly pray your Worspps
will be pleased to appoint a short day for the
heareing & determining of the sd. Appeale and to
be received in the premisses in such Manner as
unto your Worspps shall seem meet.
And yor. Petr. shall ever pray.