To the Rt Worspp his Matys Justices of the Peace for the County of
The humble Petition of Hannah Cooper< no role >
of the Parish of st James Clerkenwell
and the sd County
That your Petitr: was allowed Six pence & Week as
a Pention from the said Parish But for these Three
months past the same has been wholly taken away
from her
That your Petitr is a very poor and sickly Women
and is threatned to be turned out of Doors for
Non payment of her Rent and being past her
Labour Is not able & Subsist without her sd
your Petitr. therefore Humbly
Prays your Worspps will be pleased
to Order yr she may be allowed her
said Former Pention of Six Pence
& Weeke and her Arreares paid
And yor Petitr Shall Ever pray etc
Hannah Cooper< no role >