<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50135PS501350081"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501350081"></xptr>
<p n="429">the petr; It was Ordered by this Court that<del>the overseers of</del>
<del>the poor & alsoe the Constable &</del>
of the Sd Libty as are usually prsent at the eleccon of the<lb></lb>
publique Officers thereof should attend this Court on this day<lb></lb>
at to shew cause why the petr. Should not be discharged from<lb></lb>
serveing the Sd Office of Headborough, Now upon heareing of<lb></lb>
what was insisted on<del>alledged</del>
by the petr. & alsoe by severall Inhitants of<lb></lb>
the Sd. Libty who were prsent in this Cort & came to shew<lb></lb>
cause agt. the petr. being discharged from serveing the Sd<lb></lb>
Office For that<del>of Headborough,</del>
It appeareth to this Cort that the petr. is in a mean condicon and<lb></lb>
getteth his hieing by<obscured></obscured>
riveing a curroon<del>cann</del>
wth. the hireth of author<lb></lb>
is freanently from horne on that occasion and<del>that the<obscured></obscured>
psonfor ye carriage of goods, and that he<del>per</del>
is a Very poor man & not fit execute the said<lb></lb>
<note type="authorial" place="margin">by means whereof<lb></lb>
her Maties. peace<lb></lb>
(in case any riot<lb></lb>
or tumult should<lb></lb>
then happen in the sd. Liberty)<lb></lb>
could not be soe<lb></lb>
well pr Sewod<lb></lb>
that the petr.</note>
Office of Headborough,<del>whereof</del>
It is thought fit<lb></lb>
Ordered by this Cort that the Petr. be and he is hereby<lb></lb>
absolutely discharged from being <rs type="occupation" id="LMSMPS50135_occ64">Headborough</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50135_occ64" type="occupation" value="Headborough"></interp>
of the sd<lb></lb>
<rs type="placeName" id="LMSMPS50135_geo177">Libty of Norton Flogate</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50135_geo177" type="placeName" value="Libty of Norton Flogate"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50135_geo177" type="type" value="parish"></interp>
, And It is further Ordered by<lb></lb>
this Cort that such Inhitants of the sd Libty as doe usually<lb></lb>
elect the publique Officers thereof doe forthwith elect so<lb></lb>
other Inhitants of the sd Libty ( being fifty qualifyod) to execute the Office of<lb></lb>
Headborough for the same Libty in the room & stead of the petr.</p>

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