<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50127PS501270005"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501270005"></xptr>
<p n="20">by this Court that all Vagrants, that shall at any time or times<lb></lb>
hereafter be directed by any of her Maties. Justices of the peace for<lb></lb>
this County to be conveyed to any other parish of place in any other County<lb></lb>
<del>be by the respective Constbles of this County imediately<lb></lb>
conveyed from the place where</del>
Or that shall be order of<lb></lb>
any<del>of he a Maties.</del>
Justices of the peace of any other County<lb></lb>
be brot. into this County in order to be conveyed thro the same<del>this<lb></lb>
to any<del>other</del>
other parish or place<del>or places</del>
in any other distant or<lb></lb>
adjoyning County, be forthwith canveyed by the respcive Constables<del>who</del>
or Headboroughs who first receive the Same in this County,thro this County to the<lb></lb>
next parish or place in the next County adjoyning thereto<lb></lb>
in the direct way whither such Vagrants ought<del>Ordered</del>
to be conveyed and not to the next or<del>any</del>
any other parish or place in this County<lb></lb>
, It being a much less charge to the Inhitants of this County to have such Vagrant<del>to have them</del>
quite thro the same to then to have them conveyed from<lb></lb>
one Constable to another within the Same County, And It is<lb></lb>
therefore further Ordered by this Cort that this order be printed &<lb></lb>
coppys thereof transmitted to the severall Justices of the<lb></lb>
peace for this County for their better<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
touching the passing of Vagrants,</p>

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