Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1709

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501050003

Image 3 of 4313th February 1709

To the Worshipfull the Bench of
Justices now sitting att Hick's Hall
in St. John street in the County of

The humble Petition of
Benjamin Lawn< no role > and Kathrine< no role >
his wife

Humbly Sheweth

That one Mr. William Herring< no role > of the parish of St.
Paul Shadwell in the County of Middx Tanner haveing
in November Capt Seized the Goods of one Morris for Rent
about the nineteenth day of January last exposed the Same
to publick sale by one Mr. Robert Hooker< no role > of the same place
Joyner and amongst the rest of the sayd Goods for Seized and
exposed to sale as aforesayd a looking glass was part And
your Petitionr. being a broker andwhose business [..]
and sell honl [..] goods ordered his wife to attend the
sale who amongst other goods bought or looking then exposed
to be sold which looking glass being soe bought Your Petitionr.
exposed publickly in his Shopp to be sold again which one Jones
seeing in your sayd Petitionr. shopp challenged as [..]
belonging to her alledging that she was robbed the thirteenth
day of February last and that that glass was taken from her
then and gott a Warrt. for Justice Johnson who [..] bound
your Petitioner over notwithstanding YouryoPetitioner
produced severall witnesses who affirmed that the same was
the glass which was feld att the aforesayd publick sale yett
the sayd Justice would hear noe negative Evidence but bound
them ever as aforesayd And this Session and Indictment is found
against your Petitioner for felony upon the Statute for
receiveing Stolen Goods knowing them to be soe

Wherefore in Consideration that the sayd glass was
bought before the prosecutor was robbed and by
consequence will not be her your Petitioner
humbly pray they may be tryed before your Worshipps
att Hickes Hall

And yor. Petionrs. shall ever pray

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