Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1708

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501010022

Image 22 of 12313th October 1708

To the Rt Worfull: her Majtes: Justices of
the Peace for the County of Middlx

The humble Peticon of the Churchwarden
and Overseers of the Parish of St Mary White
Chappell in the said County


That Pursuant to a Late Act of Parliament made for
binding poor Children Apprentices Your Petrs did bind Eliza
< no role > a poor Child of the Parish aforesaid An Apprentice unto
George Loyd< no role > of the same Parish and County as by an Indenture
in Shall Case made under the hands of two of her Majtes Justices
of the peace for this County and under the James and Bales of
your Peticoners beareing date the thirteenth of this Instant
October may Appear That your Petr: this Day tendered of
poor Child aforesaid to the said George Loyd< no role > bill he Absolutely
refused to receive her as his Apprentice Allidgeing that your
Petrs. might take their Course for that he would by the Tille wth:

P Tho: Nash< no role >

Your Petrs: Therefore most humbly
pray your worspps to be pleased to
grant such order in the Primisses as
unto this honourable Court shall be
thought most meet

And Your Peticonrs shall Ever pray Etc

William Layton< no role >
John Maddey< no role > }

William Hancock< no role >
hisMarke }

Capia Vera

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