Middx ss:
William Withers< no role >
Wm Underhill< no role >
Pursuant le an Order of the Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace holden at
Hicks Hall
in St: John Streett
for Said County on the Tenth day of
October Last past
, in which order it is threin menconed that Wee whose names
are hereunto Subscribe Such Two of their Maties: Justices of the peace
for the
Said County as in the Said Order are Nominated and appointed, Should examine
and allowe the accompts and disbursments of William Miller< no role >
and Joseph Taylor< no role >
Late Scavengers
of the
Libertie of Holly well Streett
in the pish of St: Leonard
in the Said County, petitionrs: in the Said order menconed And Wee the
Said Justices haveinge duly examined the Said accompts and in the hearinge of
Severall of the Antient and Inhabitants of the said pishLibertie and upon
a full heareinge and examination of the Same Wee: day find that these [..]
arrear and now due to the Said petionrs: the Sume of Eight pounds which Said
Sume of Eight pounds Wee due hereby as well in pSuance of the Said Order of
the Generall Quarter Sessions at alsoe in pSuance of a sale Act of Parliament
in that Case made and provided Order to be added to the attempts of the
disbursments of the Scavengers of the said Liberlie for the next Yeare and by them
to be paid to the Said William Miller< no role >
and Joseph Taylor< no role >
the said peticoners
as Soone as the Same can be collected And the Said Inhabitants of the Said Liberties
of Holly well Streett
are hereby required to raise the Assessment proportionally
upon all the Inhabitants of the Said Libertie as well for reimburseinge the Said
William Miller< no role >
and Joseph Taylor< no role >
the Said Sume of Eight pounds as alsoe for
payinge the Scavengers and Rakers for the next Yeare Given undr: our hands and
Seales this first day of December Acco: Dom: 1692
Auogst Reg: Galio [..] :Maria
mmc Aug: Ect: Quarto: