Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1691

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500110018

Image 18 of 5829th May 1691

Middx ss

Ad genal Session paris Dni Regis & Due Regine
tent P Com Middx apnd Hickshall in St John Street in
Com pre P adiorn die venis scilt vicesimo nono die
May Anno RR & Rue Willi & Marie mmc Augl Etc.
Tertio .

Itt is ordered by this Court that Charles Pratten< no role > late Constable and Hugh
< no role > and Charles Johnson< no role > Prent Constables of the Dutchy Libty in the
strand in this County doe attend this Court on Saturday next att tenn
of the Clock in the forenoon to shew Cause why they refuse to pay the
wages due to the Peticonr as they will answer the contrary att their

Pratten [..] pay [..]

P Cur

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