Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1691

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500110007

Image 7 of 5826th May 1691

Middx ss

Ad genal Quartial Session Paris Dui Regis & Regine tent P Com Middx
apud Hickshall in St John Street in Com pre P adions die Martis scilt
vicesimo Sexto die May Anno RRs & Rue Willi & Marie mmc Augl Etc.

Itt is ordered by this Court that Bartholomew Parr< no role > Walter Henshaw< no role > William Smyth< no role > Giles Bullock< no role >
Thomas Jordan< no role > William Hodges< no role > , William Knight< no role > William Micklewight< no role > Richard Flatt< no role > &
Josiah Keeling< no role > Inhabitants of the Parish of St Buttloph without Aldgate in this County
upon notice thereof doe attend their Maties Justices of the Peace for the County of Middx att
Hickshall in St Johnstreet in [..] the said County on Thursday next att Com of the clerk in real forenoon to shew cause why they refuse to reimburse
the Peticonr the mony & by him expended for releife of the poor of the said Pish

P Cur


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