The Informacon of
John Ashton< no role >
of St: Martins in the feilds
Charcoale man
, taken upon his Corporall oath before me
Sackvill< no role >
: one of their matyes Justices of the Peace for the sd
This Informant Sayeth he comeing into Lester feilds
he saw Thomas Grover< no role >
rideing Downe Lester feilds
Gallop Oliver that is wounded comeing with a burden on
his oath Crosseing the way next against the Square, the sd:
Prover rode against him wth: the Barden on his bath which
threw the sd: olivr. Downe upon the Ground where he lay dead for
Some time till Some people Came and tooke him up and the
sd: Grover ride away and the sd: Asston Cryed out Stopp him
and some people Came into the feilds and Did Stopp him the sd
[..] and taken me