<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55607GO556070235"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556070235"></xptr>
<p n="1341"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">January 1779</note>
To the Right Honble the Lord Mayor and Court<lb></lb>
of Aldermen</p>
<p n="1342">In Obedience to an Order of this Court bearing d<obscured></obscured>
the Nineteenth day of July last whereby it was referred to us (amongst<lb></lb>
others) to consider what shall be allowed the Keeper of Newgate for<lb></lb>
Executing the said Office We whose names are hereunto Subscribed <obscured></obscured>
hereby Certify That we met for that purpose and have Examined<lb></lb>
Mr. <rs type="persName" id="LMSMGO55607_n1342-1">Richard Akerman</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55607_n1342-1" type="given" value="Richard"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55607_n1342-1" type="surname" value="Akerman"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55607_n1342-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
touching the fees taken by him a List of<lb></lb>
which we have Caused to be hereunto annexed as also concerning<lb></lb>
the Receipts and Disbursements of the said Office and We are of<lb></lb>
Opinion that he shall not raise the rent of the Tap or suffer any<lb></lb>
Tap to be kept within the Goal except that in the Lodge nor the<lb></lb>
drink to be sold there at any higher prices than in any other publick<lb></lb>
Common Alehouse and that he shall keep and pay the said number<lb></lb>
of Turnkeys & Runners as was kept in Mr. Bolds time without his<lb></lb>
their or any other person or persons exa<obscured></obscured>
ing any thing from prisoners<lb></lb>
or others by way of passing Giggs or any other pretences whatsoever as also<lb></lb>
the Usual Watch in the press Yard of two Runners every night when the<obscured></obscured>
are any Prisoners under Sentence of death and that he shall be obliged<lb></lb>
to keep the Bedding and other furniture and also the Irons in Repair<lb></lb>
of which and any thing else belonging to the said Goal an Inventory<lb></lb>
shall be taken and be Signed by him and left with the Town Clerk and<lb></lb>
shall so deliver up the same and all other things belonging to the<lb></lb>
said Goal at his Surrender or other Avoidance of his said Office or his<lb></lb>
Heirs Executors or Administrators in case he shall dye in it and th<obscured></obscured>
he shall not take any other fees than what is mentioned in the above<lb></lb>
Table or such as shall from time to time be allowed of by this Court<lb></lb>
and that he shall likewise pay and discharge all Expences attending<lb></lb>
the said Office of Keeper of Newgate Clerk of the papers and all other<lb></lb>
Expences as usually discharged by the late Mr Bold In Consideration<lb></lb>
whereof he shall be allowed the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty<lb></lb>
Pounds as a Sallary for one Year Comencing the Twenty Eighth<lb></lb>
of September last without accounting for any fees or other profits by Ren<obscured></obscured>
or otherwise as are now allowed to be taken by him agreeable to the above<lb></lb>
Table of Fees or profits by Rents or otherwise as allowed to be taken by<lb></lb>
late Mr Bold and accounted for to the City All which we Submit to<lb></lb>
this Honble Court this 8th. day of January 1744 Robt Willim<obscured></obscured>
Robt Ladbroke, Walt. Bernard Saml. Pennant</p>
<p n="1343">An</p>

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