<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55600GO556000479"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556000479"></xptr>
<p n="1447">to this Court so long as he could make any Shift, the peticoner<lb></lb>
haveing such great numbers of poor and miserable<lb></lb>
people Comitted to his Charge, and every thing so Dear,<lb></lb>
That the Petr. is not able to Support them with the Allowance<lb></lb>
any Longer without this Court in their Goodness will be<lb></lb>
pleased to take his Case into your wife Considerations, the<lb></lb>
peticoner haveing for many Sessions fed Fourscore<lb></lb>
almost every day as the peticoner can make Appear by<lb></lb>
his bills the Allowance Costing the Peticoner thirteen<lb></lb>
Shillings P day, And their work has not Come to Six<lb></lb>
Shillings P day: And not one in ten able to pay a Fee, and<lb></lb>
after the peticoner has Turned them out in a Few days<lb></lb>
Some are Comitted again And that the Peticoner<lb></lb>
keeps them till they Dye and then the Peticoner is Obliged<lb></lb>
to bury them at his own Charge paying all parish dutys,<lb></lb>
but Ground, And the Peticoner being at the Expence of<lb></lb>
three Servants the Peticoner humbly begs that after<lb></lb>
having the Honour to Serve this Court So many years<lb></lb>
this Court will be pleased to Enable him to Continue<lb></lb>
in your Service, which he takes as a great Honour and<lb></lb>
will always Serve with the utermost Duty and<lb></lb>
Dilegence, And humbly hopes that he has behaved<lb></lb>
himself in a Manner altogether Justifieable, and not<lb></lb>
at all derogateing from the Honour of his Grace the<lb></lb>
Duke of Newcastle his most Honoured patron and<lb></lb>
Master, having not used the least Endeavours or<lb></lb>
Clandeshire means to Extort or gett money from any<lb></lb>
of those Comitted to his Charge, And is Resolved so<lb></lb>
Long as he has the Honour to Serve, never to be Guilty<lb></lb>
of such practices, And the Peticoner beggs leave with<lb></lb>
the utermost Submission to assure this Court that<lb></lb>
the Peticoner Counts it a great Honour to be their</p>

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