<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55600GO556000102"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556000102"></xptr>
<p n="295">mention hath been made that the persons therein<lb></lb>
bound should also appear at the next Sessions of Goal<lb></lb>
Delivery of Newgate to be holden for the said County and<lb></lb>
then and there prosecute and give Evidence against <gap reason="illegible"></gap>
such Offender or Offenders upon the said Indictment, by<lb></lb>
meanes of which defect some persons (who have been<lb></lb>
so bound over the Recognizance and have been afterwards<lb></lb>
minded to desist from further prosecuting such Offenders<lb></lb>
have, after their Indictments have been found by the<lb></lb>
Grand Jury at the Sessions of peace, neglected to appear<lb></lb>
and give Evidence thereupon on the triall of such<lb></lb>
Offenders at the Goal Delivery for want of whose<lb></lb>
testimony severall hanious Offenders have been<lb></lb>
acquitted, And the Recognizances of the persons so<lb></lb>
bound over by reason of the said defect could not be<lb></lb>
estreated into <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55600_geo253">the Court of Exchequer</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55600_geo253" type="placeName" value="the Court of Exchequer"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55600_geo253" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
as they ought to<lb></lb>
have been if they had been taken in a due and<lb></lb>
perfect manner, Now to the intent that persons who<lb></lb>
shall comitt Felony Burglary or other Capital Offences<lb></lb>
in this County may be brought to Justice and suffer<lb></lb>
condign punishment for the same, and that proper<lb></lb>
persons may be effectually bound over by Recognizance<lb></lb>
to prosecute and give Evidence against them for the<lb></lb>
said Offences, This Court doth think proper And doth<lb></lb>
accordingly Order that the Condition of Recognizances<lb></lb>
to prosecute and give Evidence against Offenders for Felony<lb></lb>
Burglary or other capitall Offences by them comitted<lb></lb>
in this County be in the forme here under written (vizt.)</p>
<p n="296">The Condition of this Recognizance is such That if<lb></lb>
A: B: C: D: Etc do personally appear<lb></lb>
at the next Generall Sessions of the<lb></lb>
peace to be holden for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55600_geo254">County of Middlesex</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55600_geo254" type="placeName" value="County of Middlesex"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55600_geo254" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and then and there prosecute the Law with effect<lb></lb>
and give Evidence on his Maties behalfe upon a<lb></lb>
Bill of Indictment to be exhibited by them to<lb></lb>
the Grand Jury against Y: Z: for</p>
<p n="297">and in case the said Bill be found and retorned</p>

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