<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40000GO400000232"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400000232"></xptr>
<p n="692">clean and Sweet will in Some measure Prevent any<lb></lb>
contagion wee may fear in this County as well as<lb></lb>
Preserve his Majestys good Subjects in Passing the Streets</p>
<p n="693">This Court have therefore unanimously Resolved<lb></lb>
That they will in the most effectuall manner they are<lb></lb>
able put all the Laws in Execution that relate to the<lb></lb>
Paveing and cleansing the Streets, And in Order thereto<lb></lb>
and to prevent any Persons pretending ignorance of<lb></lb>
the Laws, they have Ordered Extracts of all the<lb></lb>
Statutes relateing thereto to be reprinted & delivered<lb></lb>
to the Clerks of the respective petty Sessions in every<lb></lb>
<rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO40000_geo495">Parish and Division</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40000_geo495" type="placeName" value="Parish and Division"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40000_geo495" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
, and to be distributed and affixed<lb></lb>
in Such manner as the Justices there assembled shall<lb></lb>
<p n="694">And this Court doth likewise give further notice to<lb></lb>
all Persons concerned that it is recomended to all<lb></lb>
Justices in their respective Parishes and Divisions<lb></lb>
that they hold a petty Sessions one day at least in<lb></lb>
every Week except in Such Week in which the<lb></lb>
Quarter or General Session Shall be held to receive<lb></lb>
any Informations that may be brought against<lb></lb>
Parish Officers or Inhabitants offending in all<lb></lb>
or any of the Premisses,</p>
<p n="695">And this Court doth hereby Strictly comand that all<lb></lb>
Scavengers, Rakers, Surveyors of the High ways,<lb></lb>
Constables, Headboroughs, and Beadles or such & so<lb></lb>
many of them as the Justices in their Petty Sessions.<lb></lb>
assembled may think proper for this Service do attend<lb></lb>
them from time to time, and may be sent by the said<lb></lb>
Justices into every Ward, Division, or district in each<lb></lb>
respective Parish or Division to take Views and<lb></lb>
report the true State and Condition of the Streets<lb></lb>
and Pavements and to obey all such further Orders<lb></lb>
as they may from time to time receive from the said<lb></lb>
Justices So assembled, as they will answer the<lb></lb>
contrary to this Court at their Peril,</p>

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