<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40000GO400000067"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400000067"></xptr>
<p n="175">unlawflull Lottery or Sale of goods imitation or with<lb></lb>
intent to have Such Lottery drawn, And that the<lb></lb>
Said high & petty Constables doe attend with &<lb></lb>
return such accompts fairly written, upon Oath to<lb></lb>
his Maties. Justices of the peace on the second day<lb></lb>
of the next Generall Sessions of the peace to be<lb></lb>
held for this County at three of the clock in the<lb></lb>
afternoon To the end the Severall Acts of Parliamt.<lb></lb>
made in the tenth & eleventh years of the Reign<lb></lb>
of his late Matie. King William the third & in<lb></lb>
the ninth & tenth yeares of the Reign of her<lb></lb>
late Matie. Queen Ann for the suppressing of<lb></lb>
unlawfull Lotterys, may effectually be putt in<lb></lb>
execucon against all persons offending in the<lb></lb>
premisses, by such lawfull wayes & meanes<lb></lb>
as his Maties Justices of the Peace to be then &<lb></lb>
there assembled Shall think fitt, And the<lb></lb>
Said high & petty Constables are hereby<lb></lb>
required in the mean time to prevent the<lb></lb>
drawing of any such unlawfull lotteryes by<lb></lb>
all lawfull ways & meanes they can. And<lb></lb>
for the better & more publick Notificacon of<lb></lb>
the premisses It is further ordered that this<lb></lb>
Order be forthwith printed & published in<lb></lb>
some or one of the publick news papers.</p>

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