<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15086PS150860009"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150860009"></xptr>
<p n="85">Common Single or Cyprus grounds to be paid by the<lb></lb>
Rule of the Double twin and to 3 Shutes in a hole<lb></lb>
if above 3 Shutes in a hole 4d Pr Doz advance</p>
<p n="86">The Lest Shute Wave or W Pr Dozen</p>
<p n="87">Single figure 14 Beads and Under<lb></lb>
6 Beads in the figure or Under 2s-0d</p>
<p n="88">Double figure 12 Beads and Under<lb></lb>
4 Beads in Each figure and Under 3s-0d</p>
<p n="89">and for Every Bead above in Each figures or ground sd Pr Bead Pr Daz advance<lb></lb>
Lays 2d Pr Dozdn Pr Lay tabes or other Stripes<lb></lb>
to be paid for as Lays<lb></lb>
Scollep'd Crimp'd or Vellum'd on one side 3d Each Pr Doz<lb></lb>
Each Drawingin 3d Pr Dz</p>
<p n="90">Silk Runing Brocade Shutles Pr Dozen<lb></lb>
one Brocade Shutle throwd in Every ground Shute<lb></lb>
1s-0d Every 2 ground Shutes 8d. every 3 ground Shutes<lb></lb>
and above 4d additional Brocade Shuth 1s throwd in<lb></lb>
Every ground Shute 1s-3d Every 2 ground Shutes 10d<lb></lb>
Every 3 ground Shutes and above 6d Pr Shutle Pr Dozen<lb></lb>
Gimp Snail or Crimp Etc 3d Pr Shutle Pr Doz advance more<lb></lb>
then Silk</p>
<p n="91">A Pokeing Brocade Shutle on a plain Cyprus ground<lb></lb>
When the figure of any work is Compleated then Number<lb></lb>
the ground Shutes and likewise the brocade Shutes<lb></lb>
then Divide the ground by the brocade Shutes and<lb></lb>
The Question will be answerd in the Quotient<lb></lb>
Example Suppose the ground Shutes in the whole<lb></lb>
figure to be 128 and the brocade Shutes 30<lb></lb>
Divide the 128 by 30 and the answer will be<lb></lb>
one brocade Shute to 4 ground Shutes then<lb></lb>
Observe Even to the 4 ground Shutes in the<lb></lb>
Table on the same line in the first Column of<lb></lb>
prices will be the price for a Silk brocade<lb></lb>
Shutle the Second Column of prices for a<lb></lb>
gimp Snail or Crimp Etc brorade Shutle</p>

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