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<p n="57"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">For the Appellants</note>
To the Right Honble The Lord Mayor and the rest<lb></lb>
of the Worshipful his Majesty's Justices of the Peace<lb></lb>
for the City of London at the General Quarter Sessions<lb></lb>
of the Peace for the same City Assembled.</p>
<p n="58">The humble Petition and Appeal of the Mayor Commonalty &<lb></lb>
Citizens of the City of London, Governors of the House of the Poor commonly<lb></lb>
called St. Bartholomews Hospital near West Smithfield London of the<lb></lb>
Foundation of King Henry the Eighth.</p>
<p n="59"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Sheweth</note>
That St Bartholomews Hospl. Situate in the Parish of St. Baratholomew<lb></lb>
The less is of Antient & Royal Foundation Established & granted by<lb></lb>
King Henry the Eighth for the Relief of Sick, Lame, Wounded & diseased<lb></lb>
Poor were some Thousands are Annually Releived and Cured.</p>
<p n="60">That soon after the great Fire of Lord, Houses & Shops were made<lb></lb>
in the Buildings within the Cloisters and Precinct of the Hospl, for<lb></lb>
the convenience of the Inhabitants of London (then in great distress for<lb></lb>
Houses) who Occupying the same for their own benefit because Rateable<lb></lb>
& Chargeable to the Poors Rates.</p>
<p n="61">That about the Year 1730, some of the Antient<lb></lb>
Buildings and Wards of the Hospital & some of the said Houses<lb></lb>
and Shops having become Ruinous were pulled down and by the<lb></lb>
Donation of Governors & other benefactors four large Pyles of<lb></lb>
Buildings have been progressibly Erected & are now used for<lb></lb>
the Hospital one of which Pyles or Wings contains a Hall<lb></lb>
Compting House and other Rooms which are used for meetings<lb></lb>
of the Governors, receiving Rests Examining and Admission of<lb></lb>
Patients, House for the Clerk and an apartment for the stow and<lb></lb>
and then other three Pyles of Buildings are used for Wards for<lb></lb>
the Parients and their Nurses only.</p>
<p n="62">An Elaboratory also hath been erected for the Service of<lb></lb>
the Hospital only upon Grand within the liberty & Prescinct thereof.</p>
<p n="63">That One of the Pyles or Buildings of the Hospl. being finished about<lb></lb>
the Year 1758, the Church Wardens & Overseers of the Poor of the Parish<lb></lb>
of <rs type="placeName" id="LMSLPS15080_geo12">St. Bartholomew</rs>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15080_geo12" type="placeName" value="St. Bartholomew"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15080_geo12" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
the less Assessed & Rated the said Governors for such<lb></lb>
Wards for the Poor the Sum of £20. for & towards the relief of the Poor of the sd;<lb></lb>
Parish as & for Lands in which stood Tenements & Houses by them pulled down<lb></lb>
and Demolished the Tenements whereof were used to be charged in the Poors<lb></lb>

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