<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15039PS150390006"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150390006"></xptr>
<p n="12">a<obscured></obscured>
Court dep caere fore order that ye<lb></lb>
under sheriff of anded & ye officers of<lb></lb>
ye two Campley who are to attend So<lb></lb>
be ye Execution per formed Do take especial<lb></lb>
Care to never any such Disturbances<lb></lb>
& Gusulls. and that they assist ye<lb></lb>
Officer of ye sd Compa of Barbers & furne<obscured></obscured>
Carrying away the Dead body<lb></lb>
to ca<del>said</del>
Hall and ye if any<lb></lb>
person or persons do in any manner<lb></lb>
appole a hunder ye Carrying away any<lb></lb>
Such body That ye said officers do<lb></lb>
Seire apprehend such Pson or Play<lb></lb>
& Carry him or Clem before a Magistrate<lb></lb>
to be deall with according to Law.</p>

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