<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15001PS150010048"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150010048"></xptr>
<p n="162">To the Right Honoble: the Lord Mayor and the Right<lb></lb>
Worpll: the Justices of the Peace for the City of London Etc:</p>
<p n="163">The humble Peticon of the Church:Wardens<lb></lb>
and Overseers of the Poor and other the<lb></lb>
Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Mildreds<lb></lb>
<p n="164"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Humbly Sheweth</note>
That having but 74 houses in the Parish<lb></lb>
whereof but 31 are to the Street and 43 in Alleys, in the last of which<lb></lb>
many meane people doe live, by occasion of which they have severall<lb></lb>
Pensioners, and not a few Children laid and left to the said Parish to<lb></lb>
maintaine (of which they have severall now at Nurse) They have beene<lb></lb>
for these and the like reasons necessitated to raise Sometimes 60 and<lb></lb>
at other times £70 a yeare for the said Poore, But this not withstanding<lb></lb>
there hath beene for Sometime by Annward this prsent yeare noe<lb></lb>
less then £8 laid upon the said Parish to pay to St. Sepulchres, And<lb></lb>
yor. Peticonrs. being informed that severall neighbouring Parishes<lb></lb>
(better able to answer the like Occasionns as they Conceive) doe<lb></lb>
not pay half so much.</p>
<p n="165">Humbly pray they may have<lb></lb>
Some Case therein.</p>
<p n="166">And yor: Peticonrs: shall pray Etc:</p>
<p n="167">St. Mildred Poultry</p>
<p n="168">1690 ?</p>
<p n="169">Petitions of Churchwardens<lb></lb>

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