<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45017PS450170241"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450170241"></xptr>
<p n="2113">particularly One Man followed him to the Door<lb></lb>
with a large Stone in his HandThat the Deceased<lb></lb>
stood stile at the Door and told that Man he would shoot<lb></lb>
him And Informant thinks he snapd' the Pistol several<lb></lb>
times but it would not go offThat when the Deceased<lb></lb>
found the Man did not Mind the Pistol the Deceased<lb></lb>
Turnd' in and shut the Door and Informant Lock'd it<lb></lb>
Saith the Deceased Begd' for Gods sake that Informant<lb></lb>
would not Open itThat then the Man threw<lb></lb>
the Stone he had in his Hand against Informants Door<lb></lb>
And Swore that he would Murder All in the House<lb></lb>
if Informant did not Turn him Out And broke Informants<lb></lb>
WindowsThat then Informant Opened the Door<lb></lb>
That when Informant Opened the Door the Deceased was<lb></lb>
in the Cellar but hearing the Man who had the Stone Come<lb></lb>
into the House the Deceased run out of the Cellar and got over a<lb></lb>
Wall backwards into a large GardenSaith there is<lb></lb>
a Gate close by Informants House which Leads into the<lb></lb>
Garden And many People Crying Out there he is<lb></lb>
there he is the Mob went thro the Gateway into<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
the Garden<del>into the</del>
And there they Caught the DeceasedThat Informant<lb></lb>
heard a Pistol go off in the Garden But doth Know<lb></lb>
who Fired it OffSaith she Saw no more of the<lb></lb>
Deceased after he went Out of her House And Believes<lb></lb>
that was about Two o'ClockThat She cannot from<lb></lb>
any Judgment about the Number of People<del>who</del>
that were<lb></lb>
Present And Saith That to her Knowledge She never before<lb></lb>
Saw the Man who had the Stone in his Hand and that She was<lb></lb>
so frightend' that She cannot Describe him And thinks She<lb></lb>
Should not Know him again That there was no Other</p>

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