<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45017PS450170237"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450170237"></xptr>
<p n="2108">have suffered him That the Deceased several times<lb></lb>
Attempted to Come out But some One or Other always<lb></lb>
forced him in again Saith he was not near enough to<lb></lb>
hear whether the Deceased Said Any thing<lb></lb>
That after the Deceased had been in the Water some Minutes<lb></lb>
or near a Quarter of an hour some Man (who had by his<lb></lb>
Dress the Appearence of a <rs type="occupation" id="LMOBPS45017_occ432">Grocer</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45017_occ432" type="occupation" value="Grocer"></interp>
) Pulled him Out<lb></lb>
That when he was Out Informant went up to him and<lb></lb>
saw a little Man Dressed in a Brown Coat throw a Piece<lb></lb>
of Treddle Cord in a Loop over his Neck and some Other<lb></lb>
Person Pulled the Cord and Pulled him down backwards<lb></lb>
That he was<del>then</del>
Sitting on the Ground when the Cord was thrown on his Neck<lb></lb>
That the Deceased rose up again almost Directly<lb></lb>
upon his BreechAnd then a Middling Sized Man<lb></lb>
came up And Looked at him and Said now Dis Your<lb></lb>
Eyes Where is ChansetThat the Deceased Answered<lb></lb>
Chanset is worse than meThat then some of them<lb></lb>
Tied the Deceaseds Hands with a Piece of hard Cord and<lb></lb>
threw him into the Water again as a Dog or a Cat<lb></lb>
And<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
he then went in with his Head downwards and<lb></lb>
his Backside upwards But by Degrees he soon got on<lb></lb>
his Legs again in the Water And Put his Hands up to<lb></lb>
his Month and got his Hands Loose that the Cord<lb></lb>
remained on One WristThat then they Continued<lb></lb>
to Pelt him as before with Bricks and Brick Cats<lb></lb>
Many of which Hit his Head and Body<lb></lb>
That after the Deceased had a Second time been in the<lb></lb>
Water about an hour One Brick Hit him a Blow on<lb></lb>
the Backside the Head from which Issued a very great<lb></lb>
Quantity of BloodThat he stood on his Legs all</p>

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