<div1 type="DB_ACpage" id="GLDBAC30000AC300000488"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLDBAC300000488"></xptr>
<p n="425">1709 Payments</p>
<p n="426">Dec: 19 paid Expences with Capt when he took the boy0-4-10-<lb></lb>
21 paid Alderman Aboys guift by Vestry book7-10-0<lb></lb>
28 paid Mr Bristol what he laid out for the parish0-7-0<lb></lb>
paid Hedges as a guift being in great want0-10-0<lb></lb>
Jan:2d paid Mr. Wimpress by Bill3-0-0<lb></lb>
paid Hedges burying Child0-9-0<lb></lb>
3 To Mr Dell0-1-0<lb></lb>
paid Charges with a Woman in Ingram Court0-5-7½<lb></lb>
6 paid Hedges rent 3 Qrs. to Lady day 1710 to Mr. Morris1-10-0<lb></lb>
paid Cleansing the Branck at Easter0-15-0<lb></lb>
14 paid Hedges Wife & her Nurse keeping her in her Mouth1-0-0<lb></lb>
26 to Hedges being sick0-2-6<lb></lb>
paid Expence with the Constable with the Warrt to search for pr.0-5-0<lb></lb>
30 paid to one that was like to come to this parish0-4-6<lb></lb>
paid when Mr Neptune paid his Fine for Warde Offices0-5-0<lb></lb>
Febr. 13 paid when Mr Pattmore brought his rent0-2-0<lb></lb>
14 paid Expences to Hedges out patient to the Hospital0-2-0<lb></lb>
18 paid Mr James towards his Charges serveing Constable by Ordr. Vestry5-0-0<lb></lb>
To ringing the Queens Birthday0-15-0<lb></lb>
paid Mr Tindalls guift by Vestry book2-12-0<lb></lb>
22 to the Beadle of the Armourers that brought the money0-1-0<lb></lb>
paid Mr. Whiskin for washing and mending the linnen Etc2-10-0<lb></lb>
paid for Copping the trees & cutting the Vines and Creepers0-3-0<lb></lb>
March 9th. paid Mr. Wolfe by Bill for worke done at Church0-8-0<lb></lb>
paid Mr. Arsden by Bill for worke done at Church0-13-0<lb></lb>
paid Mr. <rs type="occupation" id="GLDBAC30000_occ168">Marener</rs>
<interp inst="GLDBAC30000_occ168" type="occupation" value="Marener"></interp>
for a new Vestry book1-3-0<lb></lb>
pd. Mr. Ball Plummer by Bill5-8-0<lb></lb>
pd. Mr. Burt by Bill for Church Worke1-1-0<lb></lb>
paid Charges & expences about the houses the Dor. lived in1-1-8<lb></lb>
Lent to Mrs. Gibbs by Order of the Overseers2-10-0<lb></lb>
Charges at the Mitre on the parish business0-10-2<lb></lb>
13 pd. Expences at the <rs type="placeName" id="GLDBAC30000_geo198">workhouse</rs>
<interp inst="GLDBAC30000_geo198" type="placeName" value="workhouse"></interp>
<interp inst="GLDBAC30000_geo198" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
paid at the Mitre with some parishoners when Mr King pd. 3d. paymt.0-10-0<lb></lb>
14 paid to bring the Scavengers to an accompt0-3-0<lb></lb>
paid to ringing the 3th. day of March0-15-0<lb></lb>
paid for Coles for the Church1-0-0<lb></lb>
pd. Mr. Terrill by Bill for Candles for the Church4-16-0<lb></lb>
paid Mr Dawson by Bill for Badges & other worke1-0-0<lb></lb>
paid Bradley by Bill0-18-0<lb></lb>

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